I bought an S6 from US mobile and now I want to change it to an S6 Edge, so can I change it ?


AC Question

I am from trinidade,I bought s6 from us and i didnt use it yet becous i want to s6 edge so can i change s6 to s6 edge in trinidade plz inform me immediately

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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Re: i bought s6 from us and now i want to change it to s6 edge so can i change it ?

Welcome to Android Central! Sorry, but I don't quite understand the question. If you're in Trinidad and you bought the S6 from the US, I'm not sure how you're going to exchange it for an S6 Edge while you're still in Trinidad. If you bought it online from a US site, then perhaps you might be able to send it back, but I don't know what their policies would be for overseas buyers.