I can't change the ringtone!

Laura LM

New member
Oct 12, 2019
When I click on Ringtones it takes me to these audio files - I can't even see the system ringtones that everyone has on their youtube videos - and even when I try to change the ringtone to whatever is in that audio file folder it tells me : unable to set as ringtone.
Anyone knows what's going on? It's very frustrating.
I just hate being out in public and someone else's phone rings and sounds just like mine' - I don't even like this Over The Horizon ringtone.
Can anyone help me figure what's going on?
Also when I look at the folder with ringtones is empty. 72236899_464931467440635_2455724491532140544_n.jpg

I am attaching screenshots.

This is my list when I tap ringtones, then when I hit + in right top corner it takes me to custom ringtones Screenshot_20191011-224504_Media%20Storage.jpeg
Welcome to Android Central! That /Ringtones directory you're looking at is for the user to add custom ringtones.

Have you tried selecting some other preinstalled ringtone? The Yahoo ones you're showing are related to the Yahoo apps you installed -- I doubt they're the preinstalled ones. Also, ringtones typically have to be mp3, wav or ogg files -- I don't think m4a works as a ringtone.
I also cannot change my ringtone on my new Note 10 plus, but it's a bit different. I can see other ringtones and select them, however when I click the checkmark to apply the change, it tells me it's unable to set as ringtone.
I've even tried renaming the stock 'Over the Horizon' file and giving the name to the ringtone of my choice... it still plays over the horizon, which, IMHO, is a horrible ringtone! Any thoughts?

and BTW, I'm new to this forum, so hello everyone!
Welcome to Android Central! Are you looking at other preinstalled ringtones, or custom ones? If they're custom, what file format are they in?
Thanks! Nice to be here (^_^)

Either preinstalled or custom... all mp3's. even if I try to change it to the default ringtone file, it says "unable to set as ringtone". Kinda like talking to my kids when they were little :)

Also noticed that attempts to change the default notification exhibits the same behavior.
Actually the problem has been resolved... I read on another forum where someone had the same problem on an older Galaxy Note, that he. on a whim, uninstalled a file manager app and bingo! I removed "File Manager" and now all is right in my ringtone world. Maybe this will help Laura LM as well :)

So far I'm liking the Note 10+ more and more each day and I'm starting to get re-accustomed to a virtual keyboard, coming from a BlackBerry KeyOne with a physical keyboard.

Thanks for your input and have a great day!
I just retired my BlackBerry PRIV and went the S10 + route! The Key series weren't bad, but I wanted the bigger screen and really didn't want a fixed keyboard. That's one reason I liked the PRIV, but it was getting really flaky. Have the Hub suite on it and of course, sideloaded the BlackBerry VKB. Now I'm a very happy camper!
I managed to find a Phone ringtone but a can't find one for a sent SMS.Was looking for the swish sent sound.

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