I installed a Silver Carbon Fiber skin on my Axon 7 Mini and it looks very good!


Aug 19, 2016
The skin actually give the phone much better grip. I only ordered one case for it which I use about half the time which is the silver folio case that's on the ZTE site which I got 50 percent off on and only paid $4.99. The case is quite nice. It adds zero bulk and it wakes the phone when you open it and locks the phone when you close it. I'll try and take some pics of the new skin I just installed. I like using this phone without a case because the build is so high end premium. I'm waiting until Black Friday to make my next purchase which I'm leaning heavily towards the regular Axon 7 now. I want a media phone and the 5.5 quad HD display is perfect for media then you add the best speakers on the market and it has to be an awesome media phone. I'll rotate back and forth between the axon 7 mini and axon 7. I'm not a fan of a large phone being my daily driver so the axon 7 mini will be my mostly daily phone but I imagine I'll be using the bigger axon 7 quite a bit too. Great for movies as I don't need to use my external JBL speaker since the speakers are so good on these phones. What do you guys think? Is the Axon 7 still a good buy. I'm hoping to find a deal on one on Black Friday too.

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