I love this speaker

This forum didnt say much about distortion or crackling in the speaker like xda did ... =/. Low battery, while charging and some others distorted it..
I read all those posts on XDA as well about the speaker crackling and am happy to see no reports of it here whatsoever.
Jeremiah, I was thinking about something you'd said in a post about the V10's speaker yesterday. Mine certainly seems loud enough but it'd not surprise me that the '20's speaker is louder. I would never have thought that the '10's speaker isn't loud enough.
Jeremiah, I was thinking about something you'd said in a post about the V10's speaker yesterday. Mine certainly seems loud enough but it'd not surprise me that the '20's speaker is louder. I would never have thought that the '10's speaker isn't loud enough.

coming from a G4, it was what I disliked most about the phone, which was 1 of 2 things.. haha
I never had a V10. Coming from a Note 4 it is also a huge upgrade thou :)
Indeed! Especially the positioning of it, I no longer have to put the phone at the edge of the bedside table to ensure the speaker is not blocked (had a thick case on my Note 4).
Front firing speakers would have been Ideal :) We will probably have to wait for the LG V30 for that feature.... LOL! :p
The MXPE may have had the hot power sucking 808, but the front firing speakers rocked. Based on the tear down, plenty of room for stereo speakers on the V20.
i wondering since this forum didnt much about issue with the speaker that xda was trying to push 128kb or less files on the dac.... I know that you will hear poor quality in the finest quality that way

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