I don't know what setting I might have misused. I am not hearing any notifications on the Fold 9. I don't hear alerts of email or messages or my Ring Doorbell. I also have a solitaire game which emulates shuffling card sounds - also silent.
Hmm, I just noticed "Do Not disturb" until I turn it off. But I can't unselect. I can only pick a time limit. Might this be the issue? If I cancel if again says "till I turn off!"
Or is there somewhere else I should look or also look? My original Fold sitting on my desk is getting and issuing alerts. I also see that it has that same "until I turn it off" so that must not be the issue....
Hmm, I just noticed "Do Not disturb" until I turn it off. But I can't unselect. I can only pick a time limit. Might this be the issue? If I cancel if again says "till I turn off!"
Or is there somewhere else I should look or also look? My original Fold sitting on my desk is getting and issuing alerts. I also see that it has that same "until I turn it off" so that must not be the issue....