Idea for Undeveloped Application / Software


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Aug 31, 2010
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Ok, i really dont know where to post this, but I'm tired of trying to figure it out. I have an idea for an Application / Software that has never been done before. I am not just some village idiot who wants to see a newer version of this or that, I actually have come up with something very unique, and if all goes well, very profitable. I myself have very little Application or Software **programming** knowledge, however, I am very intelligent, and if I put in the time i can learn anything. I'm posting this to see if there are any serious developers out there that might want to go in with me to work on something truely unique and ambitious. If you do, then send me a message with a link or direction to something that shows your body of work... if I think we can do business, i will contact you back with more details of my project. .... I am currently working on getting my idea pattened and anything else i might relatively need to do. If i do contact you back, please understand that our discussions would be private. If i do find someone I am willing to work with, I would honor and consider it a partnership.. All for now I guess.
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