Idle Drain


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2011
I left the phone last night at about 10PM with 60% battery. By 7AM it was at 48%. This seems like alot of drain. Is this what others are finding or is this an outlier?

No facebook. Only syncing is gmail and exchange email.
I left the phone last night at about 10PM with 60% battery. By 7AM it was at 48%. This seems like alot of drain. Is this what others are finding or is this an outlier?

No facebook. Only syncing is gmail and exchange email.

In my experience, it is an outlier. I only lost 3% over 7 hours last night. I'm syncing gmail, hotmail and an exchange email accounts (using outlook), no facebook.
In my experience, it is an outlier. I only lost 3% over 7 hours last night. I'm syncing gmail, hotmail and an exchange email accounts (using outlook), no facebook.

Interesting... Any ideas on how to test?
For me, the "phone idle" makes it onto the usage list only when I have "wifi calling" turned on for long periods of time.
My phone idle drain is about .5-1% per hour. So definitely an outlier. Throw it on airplane mode and see what's draining it.
I can start at 100% at 9pm and I am at 97~99% at 7 am. I normally just leave it alone and face down. I don't turn nothing off that's not done by it's self.

For me, the "phone idle" makes it onto the usage list only when I have "wifi calling" turned on for long periods of time.

Thatss interesting. I have wifi calling enabled. I might try disabling that.
I left the phone last night at about 10PM with 60% battery. By 7AM it was at 48%. This seems like alot of drain. Is this what others are finding or is this an outlier?

No facebook. Only syncing is gmail and exchange email.

I loose between 2-3% from around 10pm till 5am.i think that's remarkable.
I get excellent battery usage during idle. I've unplugged my phone from my car at 100%, stuck it in my golf bag with wifi and data still turned on, played a 4 hour round of golf, and pulled out my phone with 98% capacity still showing. My old Note 4 would be down to 55% under the same conditions. I've played 4 - 18 hole rounds of golf, all with the same results, so I'm more than happy with battery life thus far.
I tried airplane mode last night. 10:30PM - 7:00AM I lost between 3%-4%. How can anyone lose 2-3% with all sync services working?
I have Facebook, several other apps active and I went to sleep around 10pm with about 9% battery left. Woke up about 3am to use the bathroom and had 7%. I should also mention that I have Do not disturb enabled and always on screen timeout enabled around that time so that might be the reason for the low usage.
I can start at 100% at 9pm and I am at 97~99% at 7 am. I normally just leave it alone and face down. I don't turn nothing off that's not done by it's self.


I think the always on displays does drain the battery a lot and that doesn't show as screen on time. I think it goes under phone idie. I was losing about 12-14% over night when I kept my phone face up. Now that I put the phone face down, I am only losing about 3-5% over night.
The always-on-screen has a schedule option where you can set it to "screen off", for example during the times you are in bed.
Phone is at 100% when i go to sleep. I run white noise app for an hour. 8-9 hours later when I wake up i usually have 93%-94% left. Dont turn off anything. AOD is off and i keep my phone face up. But i am using nova prime launcher. MY s7 active would only have about 89-90% left whenI woke up. Idle drain is awesome for me at least.
The always-on-screen has a schedule option where you can set it to "screen off", for example during the times you are in bed.

Yep, but it's my bedside clock so if I want to check the time in the mid of the night, I can just pick up the phone and check really quick
I tried airplane mode last night. 10:30PM - 7:00AM I lost between 3%-4%. How can anyone lose 2-3% with all sync services working?

do you have a good WiFi/cellular signal? If the phone is struggling to maintain either, it could cause excess drain.

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