I left the phone last night at about 10PM with 60% battery. By 7AM it was at 48%. This seems like alot of drain. Is this what others are finding or is this an outlier?
No facebook. Only syncing is gmail and exchange email.
In my experience, it is an outlier. I only lost 3% over 7 hours last night. I'm syncing gmail, hotmail and an exchange email accounts (using outlook), no facebook.
Interesting... Any ideas on how to test?
For me, the "phone idle" makes it onto the usage list only when I have "wifi calling" turned on for long periods of time.
I left the phone last night at about 10PM with 60% battery. By 7AM it was at 48%. This seems like alot of drain. Is this what others are finding or is this an outlier?
No facebook. Only syncing is gmail and exchange email.
I can start at 100% at 9pm and I am at 97~99% at 7 am. I normally just leave it alone and face down. I don't turn nothing off that's not done by it's self.
The always-on-screen has a schedule option where you can set it to "screen off", for example during the times you are in bed.
I tried airplane mode last night. 10:30PM - 7:00AM I lost between 3%-4%. How can anyone lose 2-3% with all sync services working?