
Active member
Nov 29, 2011
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long story short, passed my Infuse down to a family member who broke his and got a Galaxy S II Skyrocket; $150 without a contract modification(used another's contract) so I'll probably be looking at a S3 sometime next year.

Infuse was a great device but I couldn't pass up on the dual core and especially LTE. With LTE, shows 25MB download speeds; about 10 times greater than anything I got on the Infuse using the HSPA+

Thanks for all the insight about ROMs, rooting. I'll be moving over to the Skyrocket forum now.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
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Sounds like a great step forward. I myself went from the Infuse to the SII (not Skyrocket) and it was an awesome decision. I still linger around here though to see if there are posts I can help in - the Infuse was my first smart phone so it does have a special place in my heart.


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Nov 29, 2011
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I will probably frequent here too. My nephew got an infuse and once I saw it I had to have it.

We bought 2 at one time and friends have followed us too. What a great device for $99. It was my first Android and it was a great move. As a software developer, longtime user of unix/linux/SCO unix/SCO xenix(1980s) it's right down my alley.

My first smartphone was an iphone. It was amazing when it was first released. Nothing compared at the time, but after 2.5 years, I got so sick of how slow it was and most importantly the control freaks, Apple. I'll never own another apple product again, nor will I buy them for my kids. They make good products, but the company, I despise.


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
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I also just bailed... I loved the infuse when I got it but it only seemed like a week or two when it became an afterthought on at&t and Samsung's roadmaps. Still it worked great even if it took forever for official gingerbread and even then a glance at the forum shows how smoothly that went. It did seem to start getting sluggish... And sometimes my touchscreen accuracy went haywire requiring a reboot ... And sometimes it would just freeze and reboot on is own... No more than once or twice a day but still annoying... I bounced around between various roms that fixed various things but sometimes caused other problems... Last one was Zeus...

On a whim I tried an HTC one X at a store.. and its like I didn't know what I was missing. I couldn't go back. The screen was what sold me on the infuse in the first place but this converted me from an amoled devotee. But itslot more than the screen its
Ics and the snappiness and the physical feel in hand and just everything. Yeah I know no expandable storage but I never exceeded what I had anyway... I use a tablet for movies...

I don't regret the infuse it was just time for something else for me.. It just happened a lot sooner than I expected.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

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