A AC Question Jul 21, 2017 #1 I have OE cable connected to the first USB compartment on the back of the stereo and still get no connection...Bluetooth works fine and Pandora but can't connect to phone for android auto...Help please?
I have OE cable connected to the first USB compartment on the back of the stereo and still get no connection...Bluetooth works fine and Pandora but can't connect to phone for android auto...Help please?
B. Diddy Senior Ambassador Moderator Mar 9, 2012 167,958 8,313 113 Jul 21, 2017 #2 Moved from the Note 4 Accessories forum to the Android Auto forum for more specific traffic.
dewd_1969 Active member Mar 27, 2016 29 0 0 Jul 21, 2017 #3 Android Auto only works on USB2. USB1 is for Apple and firmware updates.