Question instagram folder new phone what happens


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2011
when i do get s23 or s24 phone what will happen since i got the instagram folder on internal storage instead sd card i know both phones don't have sd cards

will instant folder remain on old phone and when i install instagram app newest phone the folder will appear and when i load something up it will be in folder or will it show same folder with pics inside?

we all know how i already got the instagram folder mess up back in oct not showing any new pics after i upload, i don't know if i need to move instagram folder back sd card or what

on a side note should i put all my instagram pics inside new instagram folder on new phone or should i just start from scratch? am not sure since i share to facebook
How's it going?

In your first sentence it sounds like the folder in question is just in your internal memory, but later it sounds like you don't want it to transfer.

Do you want this folder to transfer or not?

Is this a folder that Instagram created? I mean did Instagram create this folder when you started adding media to your profile, and the things in it are copies of the things you've added to your Instagram profile?

I don't remember your question from October, but I'm wondering if they did away with this folder, since it no longer updates after the app update. I tried looking this up but I seemed to get unrelated results. What is the name of the folder when you navigate to it? I don't use Instagram and I'm not familiar with the folder you're talking about, so if you give me the name I can search for any changes related to that folder.
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well when my 1st sd card died i did have on sd card but then i decided to put internal storage because i fear that sd card will get corrupt again or die on me from this thread you know what i'm talking about that was back in sept

there's also another link talk about inside there seems i remove instagram folder back on jan 23 2022

and put it internal storage and at that point in time snap a pic and it was created inside instagram folder in galley

my question is this when i get new phone and since instagram folder in internal storage current phone umm does it get transfer over internal storage with current pics

or when i get new phone there be a instagram folder already created under pictures internal storage<-but nothing will be there unless i install app and upload it that new pic will show up in gallery folder instagram folder<-so i just move what i had instagram folder<-desktop and put half pics inside computer to internal storage

since back in sept i screwed it up by deleting folder by mistake and it was create 1 time but i thought when delete in sept it be recreated never did no new pics weren't showing up from camera roll inside instagram folder in gallery after i upload

i'm still trying to figure if i should put what i current have on new phone whenever i get one that is or start fresh i still blame myself and should had waited don't understand why that 1 time i remove folder internal storage it got created and when i did it back in sept didn't create new folder<-i should had like created a shotcut and just keep on checking see if that 1 new pic would appear instead deleting it that day

i'm pretty sure if i get new phone everything will be ok again i don't know just am not sure since internal storage pics folder with instagram will that be carry over with pics already inside<-despite not showing anything new in gallery or will it just stay on current phone?
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Gemini says;
When you log into Instagram on a new device, your entire account information is transferred, including your profile picture, username, posts, stories, followers, following list, likes, comments, saved posts, and any other settings you've adjusted on your account, allowing you to access everything seamlessly on the new device. [1, 2, 3]
Key points to remember: [1, 2, 3]

  • No separate transfer process needed: You don't need to manually transfer data; simply logging in with your credentials on the new device automatically syncs your account. [1, 2, 3]
  • Data stored in the cloud: Instagram stores your data on its servers, so when you log in from a new device, it pulls all the information from there. [2, 4]
  • Local data might not transfer: Some temporary data like cached images or drafts might not transfer and need to be re-downloaded on the new device. [2, 4]
*Note that it says some local data may not transfer.

I found this video on YouTube, it's a year old but might still have some answers and tips.

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i know that my instagram profile and stuff that i currently have already loaded will be there after i install app on new phone

however in a nutshell the instagram folder that i used to have sd card and now on internal storage on my current phone will stay with pics inside i already got meaning if i connect phone to computer it will just show instagram folder inside storage under pictures folder instagram folder<-empty nothing in it on new phone right if i go inside app on new phone there won't actually be a instagram folder at all and it will not appear in gallery under albums?

so if i upload new pic that new pic will show up besides camera roll inside the new instagram folder under pictures internal storage and i will once again see pics inside gallery folder in album called intstagram correct? am not sure if i want to bring old pics that is current on mess up instagram folder on internal folder or start fresh on new phone i think having too many instagram pics in instagram folder can slow things down some making it a little slow for it to populate and appear instagram folder after upload pic from camera roll eventually it will appear wait a good few mins

i know this is somewhat confusing i i know that when had s7 instagram folder was on old sd card when put in s20 until it died i decided to put pics internal storage and i believe under pictures there was an instant folder internal storage that was empty on my s7<-i don't know why i still have this because no longer boots up

again i don't know if i will get new phone christmas it maybe after christmas because asked too much ha i guess going from a phone that used to have sd card s7 and s20 to a s23 or s24 without sd card going to be a challenge

i will be moving pics and music notifications ringtones folders from s20 to whatever new phone visa computer put them internal storage btw

seems i have to start syncing pictures on new phone google pics since majority of them i created folders on sd card current phone and back up sync photos are turn off

the download folder that internal storage with pics and under movies pictures messenger<- i got 1 video on that those will not be carry over they will stay on s20 phone eh if that happens i guess i need to carry them over via computer to new phone i guess

i wished mustang will come in and help clear up little confusion
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