Interesting - any reports of burning Note 7s in the past week?

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I'm not sure that I understand.
Samsung took ownership (via a letter yesterday) and said they dropped the ball. They said the bad media has been deserved due to their mistake and they'll work to earn the trust of Samsung users again. They also again asked all to power down / return or exchange for another phone.
My interpretation is that Samsung handled the media situation poorly from responding to "reports" to their own failure to get proper information out to the public, and that is why they deserve it. Nothing more and nothing less.
From their message yesterday they seem to admit they dropped the ball with the bad media being "deserved" and saying they need to earn peoples trust again.

Pretty sure this is more due to their Asian culture/etiquette than actually admitting fault. How can they say they deserved the criticism when they don't even know if it's their fault. This is a foreign concept here in the US. See below for color. They reference Chinese community, but earlier indicate this applies to Asian culture in general. Pretty sure this is the real driver for their message yesterday.

One of the most damaging reputations any person can have in a Chinese community is to be called bu gei mianzi, which means one who does not care enough to give Face. Such a person can easily offend others because he appears not to care about their Face. This description, unfortunately, is most frequently applied to foreigners who don't know any better. Conversely, a person who is proficient in the art of Giving Face not only enhances his own Face, but also ensures the most effective possible professional and personal relations with others.

What Is ‘Face’ In Asian Culture and Why Should We Care? | International Man
We don't need more and more trolling. Thanks everyone, hopefully next thread is better.
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