Introduce Yourselves

Cory Streater

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Sep 21, 2009
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I thought maybe some of you guys might want to take a break from the BB and launch date threads, and get to know one another a little better :)

So, how about everybody introduce themselves, and share as much as you're willing to share:

Where you're from:
You're profession:
Smartphone phone history:
The phone you're switching from:
What excites you most about the Thunderbolt!
And anything else you can think of.

I'll start. The first few are obvious, so here's the rest:

Phone history: Samsung i500, Treo 600/650, PPC 6700, Mogul, Touch, Pro, Touch Pro 2, Droid, Incredible, EVO, Droid X, Vibrant, and the Fascinate.

Phone I am switching from: I am a phone addict. I'm doing my best to restrain myself from getting the TB, but I must admit it is really hard!. If I do cave (I've done so in the past and it's usually on launch day), I will really love the LTE, the kickstand for watching movies on the plane, streaming movies, and HTC Sense (I kinda miss this from the Incredible).


Nexus Lover
Dec 5, 2010
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I will start out! :)

I currently abide in the Suburbs of Chicago, IL

I do not have a job, I go to school. :)

The Thunderbolt will be my first smartphone but don't get me wrong, I know A LOT!

I am switching from an old Samsung Alias 2, just like TBolt 2011!

4G, HTC Sense, and the huge screen really excite me about the thunderbolt!

?Y T?? (no I am not hispanic :) )


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Dec 3, 2010
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Student currently studying computer science. I started with some lg flip phone back in 2005. Then to the htc tmobile dash(awesome phone), Cingular's samsung flip phone that had music buttons on the outside, then crappy nokia flip phone, samsung blackjack, iphone 3g, lg voyager, DInc and now to the Thunderbolt. I'm also a phone addict and usually can't make it a year without something new. Can't wait to have a bigger screen.


Feb 20, 2011
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Where you're from: Manalapan, New Jersey
Profession: Telecommunications Engineering
Smartphone phone history: Thunderbolt will be my first! My wife has a Fascinate which I play around with every now and then.
The phone you're switching from: LG Env3 :-[
What excites you most about the Thunderbolt: To be honest, there's nothing about the Thunderbolt in particular that I'm super excited about. I want an Android phone, and I'm locked into Verizon because of the discount I get through my company. I decided to get the next new major Android Smartphone that releases on VZW, as to not start out behind the curve. I was hoping that would be Thunderbolt, but with what has happened in the last few weeks, who knows?


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Nov 18, 2010
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I'm from Atlantic County, NJ. About 20 minutes outside of AC. My profession? Hmm... I do everything from IT to Warehousing. My PRIMARY responsibilities are maintaining a computerized workload control and inventory system. Aside from that, I like to get away from the desk every now and then, so I'll grab some pick lists and head to the warehouse for a break from the keyboard. Since our IT Department is not in close proximity to my building, they usually rely on me to handle most things (New PC setup, troubleshooting, peripheral installation, repairs) The only things I DON'T do are set up printer queue's and other network-related tasks... that's all done through Exchange on their end.

My first Smart Phone was an iPhone. I traded up to the 3G. I decided to go Droid in June with an EVO. LOVED IT. Unfortunately I spend 8 hours a day in a brick/steel building, so VZW is the only carrier that gives me signal at work. Started with the OG Droid. Moved up to the X when it was released. After the 2.2 mess I called Verizon and they offered to send me a Fascinate. After the (lack of) 2.2, I called Verizon and they offered to send me an Incredible. I love the Dinc, but my thumbs betray me. All.of.mybtexts.lookblike.this. So... I can't WAIT for the BOLT! It's the size. I used to read e-books on the EVO. The FFC will come in handy from time to time, but I'm mostly just excited about the size and kickstand. I'm big on watching/recording videos.

From time to time I may seem like I go a little overboard. I admit it. But as evidenced above, when I'm not happy about a product, I'm not afraid to tell the company about it. As long as you do your due diligence and have good facts in hand, they will do their best to make you happy. I guess it has something to do with the fact that I'm very passionate about my tech as well.

In the summer you will find me tending and landscaping my yard, building porches, decks, etc. In the winter it's my Xbox and my Mac. Then one day I wake up and decide I want to tile the bathroom floor. I fix things myself. I've brought 2 Xboxes back to life after the RROD. I do all my own electric, plumbing and carpentry work. I'm a "hands on" type of person.

When I'm not doing any of the above, I'm raising 5 awesome kids, doing things with my girl, or helping my mom around her house.

Great thread Cory!


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2010
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DC metro area

electrical engineer

BB Tour

im the last person i know with out a droid and all of my friends play word feud and i just feel left out!!! i gave my upgrade to my GF for xmas because she was still on a normal LG qwerty phone and feeling SUPER left out and i was tired of her calling me for directions around traffic haha. i knew the MERGE was never coming out after November and some people here on AC convinced me to just go the non-qwerty route so the TB was obvi the best choice. CANT WAIT!!!!


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2010
Hi Everyone!!!!

You're profession: Membership Coordinator at local club.

Smartphone phone history: Everything from many Blackberrys to every iPhone to a Droid, Evo 4G, Droid X, Droid 2, Samsung Epic, Nexus One and a Captivate for a couple of days.

The phone you're switching from: Currently have iPhone 4, I might just add a line, replace, or go back to an Epic depending on what the Froyo looks like on my wife's phone.

What excites you most about the Thunderbolt! LTE, that's about it.

And anything else you can think of: I'm a neighbor of some of you guys, in Blackwood, NJ. I'd love to get together some sort of cell phone club down here, where we could all swap ideas, bring phones for others to check out, share stories, etc.


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Jan 26, 2011
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Where you're from: West Coast Best Coast. Eugene OR

Your profession: Student (edit: as a student I just realized this... "You're profession" = "You are profession". should be "Your profession"

Smartphone phone history: nada... I own an iPod touch 2G... thats like an iPhone without the phone...

The phone you're switching from: LG Voyager Titanium

What excites you most about the Thunderbolt? The fact that is a smart phone. I've wanted an Android for quite awhile, but as I'm limited to what my mother will pay for, I've never had the chance, but since I'm graduating soon, she may spring for it. I'm really looking forward to the web browsing and being able to do away with my iPod touch (hopefully)

And anything else you can think of.
While I'm deffinetly planning to get the thunderbolt, I don't have my eyes on any other phone, I am rather annoyed with Verizon's PR regarding it. you'd figure they'd throw us a bone every once and awhile. Not just some darn leaks.

I am Fake Jesus

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Dec 18, 2010
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Where you're from: fayetteville nc
Profession: time warner technician/telecom
Smartphone phone history: iphone 3g, also had a moto razr but who didnt lol
The phone you're switching from: iphone 3g
What excites you most about the Thunderbolt: perfect phone for me. but its release is bumming me out


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Jul 1, 2010
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Where you're from: Huntsville, AL
You're profession: Student at The University of Alabama
Smartphone phone history: Black Berry Storm 1, Black Berry Tour (current)
The phone you're switching from: Tour
What excites you most about the Thunderbolt: LTE and having a smart phone who wont keep breaking and having software issues. I cant wait to have a fast phone finally!


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Jan 30, 2011
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Where you're from: Nashville, TN

You're profession: Continuity Marketing Operations Coordinator with Verizon Wireless. And no, I do not know when the Thunderbolt is coming out. It's driving me crazy just like everyone else.

Smartphone phone history:First smartphone was the VZW XV6800, then it was the Samsung Omnia and Omnia II. My first Android phone was the Moto Droid and I currently have a Samsung Continuum as my work phone.

The phone you're switching from: OG Droid which has served me well.

What excites you most about the Thunderbolt! I have 4G at home and I can see the 4G cell tower when I look out of the window at the office. Also the larger screen for surfing the web and the DLNA support.


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Jan 14, 2011
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I'm from Buffalo, NY; the only city with an NFL team that did not get LTE a launch, nor is getting it in the next couple of months.

I work in the mortgage industry.

My first smartphone was the original Droid. The touchscreen just recently stopped working on it and I was forced to use a Palm Pre Plus.

I am actually excited by sense. I never rooted my Droid, so I've only ever used stock android and I'm looking to try something different. I'm also excited about the kickstand.


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Jul 12, 2010
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Where you're from: Quakertown, PA

You're profession: Software/Application Programmer

Smartphone phone history: LG Chocolate (if that counts) and i*hone 3G

The phone you're switching from: i*hone 3G

What excites you most about the Thunderbolt!
The hardware specs are impressive and i am tired of my i*hone and i play with my wife's OG Droid to get my Android Fix. I have been following this phone since the Mecha leaks back in the summer, I usually am not an early adopter of a phone, but cant wait for this one

And anything else you can think of.
i am starting to get into App development for Android and am going to take a shot at creating ROMS.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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Where you're from: I live in Orem, UT, but I will always say I'm from Vancouver, WA.
You're profession: Escalations support for a cloud backup company (Mozy, if you're interested).
Smartphone phone history: Blackberry Storm, Samsung Fascinate, Blackberry Storm...
The phone you're switching from: Got the Blackberry Storm a few months after it came out, but a few months before the Droid line hit Verizon. I was fine with the phone until the OG Droid came out, and have hated it every since :). My wife and I got the Fascinate in January because her Storm broke, and then I returned it when the TBolt preorder hit, so now I'm back on the Storm :(.
What excites you most about the Thunderbolt!: First and foremost, it's getting back on Android, but I really like the size of the screen. The only way I can type on my Storm is in portrait mode with the compact qwerty, but on a phone like the tbolt the individual keys should be as big as a doubled up key.

I'm married to a girl who's way too hot for me, have a son who's too cute to handle, and an inevitably adorable daughter on the way. Since most of the money in our house goes to family stuff, this phone will be my only toy for a while so it had better be good and get here quickly. Other than phone and family, I game when I have spare time (I have a Zelda tattoo to prove it) and fix my computer.

I'm pretty familiar with a lot of the regulars on here, so this is a great thread. It puts a personality with the complaints :)


Dec 21, 2010
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Where you're from: Palmdale,CA(Currently in Phoenix,AZ)

You're profession: Student

Smartphone phone history:Moto Q, Samsung Saga, Samsung Omnia,
Blackberry Storm 1, Blackberry Bold 9650, Palm Pixi Plus, HTC Incredible.

The phone you're switching from:HTC Inc.

What excites you most about the Thunderbolt!: The Screen Size

Im an avid sports fan. Aspiring Journalist. And currently work as a customer specialist for BB.

Im also a real life avatar. So if anyone wants to know what life on Pandora was like. Im your guy.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
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Smartphone History: HTC G1
The phone you're switching from: HTC G1
What excites me most about the Thunderbolt is one of the top android phones you can own and in my opinion on the best network with 4G.


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Jul 16, 2010
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from NYC (4G territory :))

smart phone history: bb 8330, tour, bold, fascinate

Looking forward to HTC (they update their phones!), 4G, froyo, sense... among other things!


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2010
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I'm from providence Rhode island

Currently a highschool music teacher

My smartphone history: Palm pre, Nexus one, droid incredible

switching from a droid incredible(maybe)

Im excited for the new sense 4g "like" speeds and that new snappy processor


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
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Where you're from: just outside Akron, of the Rust Belt!
You're profession:public Education, High School History teacher, now in Admin.
Smartphone phone history: Practically none...
The phone you're switching from: A crappy Blackberry Storm...had it for the last 2 years
What excites you most about the Thunderbolt!
Android (freedom to re-arrange (if I can figure it out even change stuff)). A real web experience, apps, etc. This forum!
And anything else you can think of....this is cool, thanks for the invite.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
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Where you're from: I currently reside in the suburbs of Saint Louis, but I'm from Central Ohio (Marysville to be exact, just outside of Columbus)
You're profession: If you can't already tell from my name I'm a Web Development Analyst
Smartphone phone history: The only 2 smartphones I've owned are the Motorola Q and the BlackBerry Storm that I currently own. I just bought my wife a Motorola Droid.
The phone you're switching from: BlackBerry Storm
What excites you most about the Thunderbolt: Honestly there is just so much. The LTE speed, the large screen, the full unaltered web capability, the mobile hotspot, etc...

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