Is a little light bleed normal?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2012
My nexus 7 (2013) has a bit of light bleed at the top. When viewing things in landscape mode it is noticeably brighter on the top border of the screen. This is my second unit from the Google play store ( the first one had worse light bleed and a few dead pixels.) Keep in mind I am picky when it comes to personal gadgets like a phone or tablet.
So is this being too nit picky or should it not exist at all?

What's your experience with the new nexus 7?

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I remember a number of posts about light bleed in the OG N7 threads. Same with the Droid DNA. There are many different opinions about it.

I figure any backlit device is going to have some visible light bleed when displaying a dark screen. What is too much is up to you.

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Yeah I kinda thought that. I'll give this one a few more days and see how things pan out. Since I bought it straight from Google I can keep exchanging until I get one to my liking, I guess I got nothing to lose.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using AC Forums mobile app
Yeah I kinda thought that. I'll give this one a few more days and see how things pan out. Since I bought it straight from Google I can keep exchanging until I get one to my liking, I guess I got nothing to lose.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using AC Forums mobile app
You could post a photo of your device running the app "Backlight Bleed Test". I will do the same if you're interested in a comparison.
What did you eventually do? I have a n7 2013 with a decent amount of light bleed. Did you find one that was "perfect"?
Mine has some lightbleed aswell on top postion.
Not noticeable during everyday use though but it's there.
how bad is yours? mine is pretty bad around an inch or so into the middle of the screen and also in the center a bit believe it or not. are they all this bad.
how bad is yours? mine is pretty bad around an inch or so into the middle of the screen and also in the center a bit believe it or not. are they all this bad.

It's there, it annoys me a litle bit and if I press the back against the screen it actually goes away so I'm guessing it's "design" flaw or something since some of them suposedly don't have it.
exactly manipulating the screen pressing, twisting etc makes it better in some areas and worse in others. I am just curious, do you know the build date of yours(on the sticker on the box) my first one was built in july 2013 and it has the bleed issues. I replaced it yesterday with one at staples that was built in September and the screen seems much better (although so far I only saw it on the charging screen).first one was purchased at amazon. I think amazon actually gets these units back as returns for defects or whatever then repackages them or something and sells them as new. mine had 4 stickers overlapping on the box and 2 seal stickers, one overlapping the other. something very weird about that. also if you notice they only give the $199 price in spurts and that seems when you get the defects. only when they get enough defects in to start selling maybe? right now they are giving the 32g model away at $239 I believe (probably with a thick layer of stickers on the box and a few defects)
Mine is from September.
Although I've seen units from October and they still had light bleed and speaker issues.

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