L Lori Kinney New member Mar 11, 2017 3 0 0 Mar 14, 2017 #1 Recently I have had a stalker that is capable of hacking my Samsung 6-920. I have locks on screen, applications basically everything I could think of to lock. Now it's like Get Smart opening & using phone.
Recently I have had a stalker that is capable of hacking my Samsung 6-920. I have locks on screen, applications basically everything I could think of to lock. Now it's like Get Smart opening & using phone.
L Lori Kinney New member Mar 11, 2017 3 0 0 Mar 14, 2017 #2 Is it possible for a hacker to root your phone?
B. Diddy Senior Ambassador Moderator Mar 9, 2012 167,963 8,317 113 Mar 14, 2017 #3 Welcome to Android Central! Sorry you've had to deal with this -- people are messed up. Many things are possible, but the question is how likely it is. Why do you think you're being hacked?
Welcome to Android Central! Sorry you've had to deal with this -- people are messed up. Many things are possible, but the question is how likely it is. Why do you think you're being hacked?