Is there a way to increase the blinking rate for notifications?


Active member
Sep 5, 2011
I find it kind of annoying how slow the light blinks when i recieve messages. I am used to my fast blinking HTC phone. Any ideas on how to change this?
Re: Is there a way to increase the blinking rate for notification

I've found one way to do it, which seems to be a side effect of using a free app available from the market called "Light Flow".

When you setup your notifications in Light Flow, if you set the LED color to White, the LED will flash Red, but it seems to use the app's built in flash speed settings, so it flashes very fast at the highest speed setting. In addition, you can use this app to set your notification colors to Blue, however they will still blink at the default speed (aka slow).

I'm a bit saddened by the lack of built in options with the LED, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I'm happy we have one at all honestly.
Re: Is there a way to increase the blinking rate for notification

It is a bit slow. I will see it out of the corner of my eye. And wonder was that a message and then stare at it for what seems like a minute for another flash.
It is a bit slow. I will see it out of the corner of my eye. And wonder was that a message and then stare at it for what seems like a minute for another flash.

It is actually every ten seconds approximately, which is way too long. Should be three second or less...
Re: Is there a way to increase the blinking rate for notification

I find it kind of annoying how slow the light blinks when i recieve messages. I am used to my fast blinking HTC phone. Any ideas on how to change this?

I agree - HTC had much faster blinking

Can this be fixed with an update?
Re: Is there a way to increase the blinking rate for notification

Can this be fixed with an update?

Definitely. But it's dependent on whether or not Samsung considers it something that actually needs to be "fixed". A firmware update should do it though. If Samsung doesn't I'm sure a developer will come up with something for those that don't mind rooting their phones.
Re: Is there a way to increase the blinking rate for notification

My phone has a slow blinking red notification at all times, not just when there is a new email/SMS/Facebook/Twitter update. I wish it would only blink when there is actually something new to report.
Re: Is there a way to increase the blinking rate for notification

yeah too slow...and how about multi colors for different notices. I would pay for a good app to do this! Developers???
Re: Is there a way to increase the blinking rate for notification

yeah too slow...and how about multi colors for different notices. I would pay for a good app to do this! Developers???

I could not agree more. I have an LG G4 and the blink rate on Gmail app is 13 seconds. This is vastly inferior.

I am also very disappointed that with Lolipop, the preinstalled eMail app no longer supports LED notifications. This too is a retrograde step and as GMail does not deliver, I now use Yahoo's eMail app.