It's gone quiet.....


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2015
How many people have moved on from the N6 and what did you pick?

I'm still with it and wouldn't be tempted to leave at the moment if it wasn't for the intermittent lag, almost daily. Spending a lot of time rebooting and clearing the cache!
Hey, whatta ya want? We're old and don't know how to use the internet.

Now shut the door. There's a draft!

(I'm laggier than my Nexus 6. It's doing fine. I have yet to see anything to move on to.)
I'm still here, hopping I can hold off until pixel 2 is announced. I might have to get a wireless charger until then as it's becoming increasingly difficult to charge the phone with a cable nowadays.
How many people have moved on from the N6 and what did you pick?

I'm still with it and wouldn't be tempted to leave at the moment if it wasn't for the intermittent lag, almost daily. Spending a lot of time rebooting and clearing the cache!

I'm in the same boat, but I'm thinking the Pixel 2 will be my next phone.
I have been using Pixel since its release last year but I am still using the Nexus 6 as 6-inch mini tablet with data only Fi sim card.
I bought a G6. I like it, but I definitely miss the size and Nexus updates. I would like it a whole lot more if it was a quarter inch wider, but I have adjusted to it though N6 feels so spacious when I go back to it. Of course G6 is nice and peppy. Camera is not as sharp as N6 HDR+, though G6 often has better dynamic range and color in many situations and G6 definitely has an edge in very low light detail, plus wide angle is useful. Most importantly the G6 camera is not laggy beyond usable which is why my N6 is no longer my main device. G6 skin is bearable, speaker is adequate though do miss front firing, and I still love wireless charging which G6 has. Also pretty much expect to end up with a Pixel XL 2 when it arrives. The first Pixels were too premium price leaving out too many important features.
I am still on N6
Mate 9 was a good choice but I couldn't because of monthly updates
Now I have my eyes on Essential PH-1 or Pixel XL 2
The wireless charging is one of my favorite things. One in my car, on my desk and by the bed. When I do try to charge w/ a cable it can be finicky. I wish wireless charging wasn't getting so rare in phones.
Still rocking my N6. Clearly the best phone I've had to date. I usually upgrade every two years but the Pixels disappointed me. There was no real phablet option. Based on the rumors...this year I'll finally upgrade to the Pixel 2 XL. Note 8 will still be an option however. Anyway, my N6 is lagging and the headphone jack as well as the charging is having it's difficulties. So it's time to officially retire the N6.
I had a thread on my going to the Galaxy S8+ and I still love it.
Sold my N6 on Swappa.

The main reason I liked the N6 is the rooting and customization that comes with it.
I am surprised of the amount of options Samsung offers by way of themes and fonts that I like on my devices.
I have had no problems with it and am planning to get the Galaxy S9 next year on Sprint's Galaxy Forever set up.

Just my $.02

Moved on to Nexus 6P and OP3T but I use my 2 year old Nexus 6 as backup and media player. Still runs great with custom ROM and kernel.
right now keeping an eye out for the Note 8 or maybe even one of those refurbed Note 7s.
Well factory reset my phone last week to see how it helped the sluggishness (stock 7.1.1), marginally improved but this week I read somewhere so tried resetting battery optimisation for all apps - seems to improve things further and battery seems to be better (improved SoT).

I was seriously considering a Mate 9 or S8+ whilst it was sluggish - will see how the N6 copes as I gradually load more apps back!
Have a wallet for my N6 and still utilize it occasionally for convenience.

In fact using it right now.
Still a decent phone.
The battery on my N6 was getting pretty worthless (otherwise I'd still be using it), so I got the OnePlus 5. I like it, I don't love it. It'll hold me over at least til I see what the Pixel XL 2 offers.
I remember following the anticipated release of the N6. It was going to be my first Nexus phone but I just didn't care for the size. Still wish I would have got it.

I ended up with the Moto X Pure that I'm still using today.

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