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Nov 12, 2016
Coming over from bb10 to the world of Android an LG. So far the only thing is adjusting to the lack of a physical keyboard, a process that SwiftKey is making easy. The other feature is relatively short battery life. Got the V10 from ebay seller
dealscali, at a good price. Still struggling with transferring
contacts. Anyone do that migration?
How do you have your contacts saved? Google has a tool to add contacts by importing csv from outlook and other sources.
I had the Passport syncing with Yahoo mail and some data came over. With contacts that have multiple methods, pieces are missing. Ditto when I told the Passport to sync with SIM card. Tried a couple of export apps in BB world, which crashed. I'm also going to try crack berry and see if anyone has any ideas for this.
I had the Passport synching to the e-mail (POP3) yahoo account supplied by my Internet provider. Also saved the contacts to the SIM card.

The issue is that SOME of the contact data is coming over - I have different phone numbers, e-mail and social network addresses 'missing' for some people. On a previous migration, I simply exported to a vcf file and imported - easy, and quick. The way it is, the only way I've seen is to compare them 1 by 1 (a MAJOR PIA for the number I have) and manually synch.
The current BB contacts app doesn't have the ability to export, and an app I got on BBW is (InTouch Contacts) crashes when I attempt the synch. That app hasn't seen any love in years - so it could be incompatible with the more recent versions of BB10. FWIW, I've installed BB hub and BB Contacts on the LG phone - so one would THINK the data would be compatible.

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