Kind of regretting Pixel purchase.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2013
So long story short. I use an iPhone 6 for work (personal choice) and I retired my Note 4 to wifi duty at home. My iPhone got damaged and was giving me issues. So I bought a pixel today. At first I was excited, but now I am quite indifferent to it. I actually miss the iPhone, and prefer the note 4. I plan on giving it a fair shot though. I will use it this week as my daily driver.

I think the things that bother me is the keyboard and lens flare. While the iPhone keyboard is not great, I find it better than the pixel. I think Samsung does extremely well in the keyboard department and I have been spoiled by the Note keyboards.

The lens flare really is irksome, and possibly may be a deal breaker for me. But who knows it may get better.
So long story short. I use an iPhone 6 for work (personal choice) and I retired my Note 4 to wifi duty at home. My iPhone got damaged and was giving me issues. So I bought a pixel today. At first I was excited, but now I am quite indifferent to it. I actually miss the iPhone, and prefer the note 4. I plan on giving it a fair shot though. I will use it this week as my daily driver.

I think the things that bother me is the keyboard and lens flare. While the iPhone keyboard is not great, I find it better than the pixel. I think Samsung does extremely well in the keyboard department and I have been spoiled by the Note keyboards.

The lens flare really is irksome, and possibly may be a deal breaker for me. But who knows it may get better.

Not much you can do about the LensFlare, But in regards to the keyboard. Maybe try a 3rd party that's free such as SwiftKey I have been using it for a few years now and could never go back to a Samsung Keyboard. VERY customizable. And hey if you don't like it, just uninstall it
So long story short. I use an iPhone 6 for work (personal choice) and I retired my Note 4 to wifi duty at home. My iPhone got damaged and was giving me issues. So I bought a pixel today. At first I was excited, but now I am quite indifferent to it. I actually miss the iPhone, and prefer the note 4. I plan on giving it a fair shot though. I will use it this week as my daily driver.

I think the things that bother me is the keyboard and lens flare. While the iPhone keyboard is not great, I find it better than the pixel. I think Samsung does extremely well in the keyboard department and I have been spoiled by the Note keyboards.

The lens flare really is irksome, and possibly may be a deal breaker for me. But who knows it may get better.
I have never even been plagued with the lens flare issue and I've had the pixel since December. I also have the opposite thoughts on keyboards you are talking about. I find the iOS keyboard to be the best, and the google keyboard on the pixel to follow it. In my experience the Samsung keyboard is horrible. Their swype feature is not good and their predictive text/autocorrect is really bad.

I had always used Swiftkey on my Samsung devices and loved it, when I got the pixel I didn't like swiftkey on it so I use the Google keyboard
The lens flare really is irksome, and possibly may be a deal breaker for me. But who knows it may get better.

It may, or it may not - I'd suggest using the phone until the end of the "trial" period and see where you are at then. If the lens flare is really bad, maybe the phone is bad, check with the dealer.

In the end, if you are not happy, do what you gotta do to be happy. Too many choices to get stuck with something you don't like.
I have never even been plagued with the lens flare issue and I've had the pixel since December.

I am in this same boat. I never had lens flare when shooting with the Pixel and I got it right at release.
I am in this same boat. I never had lens flare when shooting with the Pixel and I got it right at release.
Wow I totally jinxed myself on that one. Just took this today.

Some people like ios keyboard, some like Android options. There are alot of custom options with Android keyboards. You can change the look, theme, swipe, word sensitivity, etc. Not sure what ios offers, but you should be able to set something up the way you like. I've been using swipe and Google keyboard for several years and don't really have complaints. Then again, when I try to use my wife's iPhone it takes a minute to compose a sentence lol.

Side note, I haven't found lens flare to be a serious issue. Sure it's happened here and there, but more often than not I don't have problems. The IQ on the camera is excellent.
yes lens flare effect exists. I took a photo in a relatively dark environment (pic 1) and suddenly the street light turned on (pic 2).


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Yep. My week-old Pixel was awful for lens flare. Any time there was a light source in front of the phone - it didn't even need to be in the shot. Returned it and ordered a Samsung Galaxy S8.
Yeah, that's the glass back causing it. My S8+ is on preorder. Like the Pixel but it drops calls and is flat out ugly.
Is it the glass or the lens itself? Personally I don't have issues with mine but I've had a dbrand skin on the back since minutes after pulling the phone out of the box. I'd rather not make the bold claim that a skin is the solution though unless many others using one have the same experience.
That sucks. I have yet to experience the lens flare issue, but as far as the keyboard goes I don't see how it's an issue when so many other options exist. It's just software.

Like others have stated SwiftKey is great. I've customized it so that it doesn't automatically enter words for me and it works perfectly. I can sometimes type 70% of my sentences by just selecting words from the prediction box. It gets really good at guessing what you want to say over time. I've never found anything better.
I find iPhones keyboard and auto correct to be much better than Google keyboard...User of a 6P and iPhone 6S (work).
Is it the glass or the lens itself? Personally I don't have issues with mine but I've had a dbrand skin on the back since minutes after pulling the phone out of the box. I'd rather not make the bold claim that a skin is the solution though unless many others using one have the same experience.

Interesting thought.

I don't take a huge number of photos, but have had my Pixel XL since a week or so after release and have never noticed lens flare. Like you, however, my phone has been in a case since the moment it came out of the box. This one, to be exact:
And, as for keyboards: I find it impossible to type accurately on the iPhone keyboards. I'm sure it would get better if I actually owned one and was forced to work with it for a while.

But, there is no reason to suffer with any Google keyboard because there are so many alternatives available in the Play Store. Many very good ones, in fact.

Unlike Apple which, if I recall correctly, only recently allowed third-party keyboards into the Apple closed ecosystem.
I had mine in a Nillkin black case from the moment I got it home. Most people play it safe with photos and never shoot into the light - but these sort of photos are often the best and I couldn't take them any more.

Previously I only had experience of Samsung's take on Nougat and assumed what I saw was pretty much how Nougat looks. When I got the Pixel it looked less polished and I realised that Samsung is getting pretty mature about how it lightly skins Android. I'm looking forward to getting back to it on the S8.