Kings Ultra


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2010
Been using this rom for about a week now and I gotta say its the best one I have tried so far. Very smooth and fast, fastest rom I have used. I was looking for a thread about it but I couldn't find one. What do you think about this one ?
I flashed it to test FullHDMI, it was ok. One thing I did not like was the syncing icon flashing from the themed color to the stock color.
Ive tried it, and yes I have to agree...its the FASTEST Rom I have ever flashed. Although I wish he would update it to have GB icons or a cleaner look..other than that I cant find another one to match the speed and battery life.
I have been using Kings Ultra UNleashed for a week and i got to say i love it
battery life for me is pretty good and i like the way it looks :D
I was on ultra 2, I liked it but the one time I used it while on the road the themed pandora sounded really bad and I couldnt update it in the market since it was part of the Rom...ended up nandroiding back to Myns Z. After getting a taste of Sense 2.0 it's kind of hard to go backwards on it.
Pandora sounds bad on a lot of devices. Period. I go with Slacker, not only better sound quality, but more skips per station. Anyway, you really gave up on King's Unleashed RC2 for Pandora? Come on maaan!!! LOL
It sounded really bad, like an AM radio bad even with it set to highest quality. Being in the car with my pregnant wife for 3 hrs in Kentucky is not fun and she always wants to hear her Pandora stations. I have a back up of Ultra for when I'm ready for a Rom switch..which seems to be a weekly thing now lol
I dont know if its the ROM or my battery but at first i had good battery life but today i was at 25% in 5 hours :/ crazy!! i love the look of this ROM but i need my battery life to be good.

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