Kit Kat gave life back to my Note 4. I didn't like Lollipop


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Aug 27, 2013
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I used to love my Note 4 before while it was on Kit Kat 4.4.4. 2 day battery life, super smooth performance no bugs. Then came the cursed lollipop which was kind of shoved down my throat because if I don't update it would always show a notification saying there is an update and messes with my OCD. So I updated, then did a factory reset / cleared the cache. Battery life would never give me more than 1 day, performance was not the same as Kit Kat, especially when pressing the current active app list when you close one it would transition in choppy slow motion to the next one, all in all, this isn't the Note 4 I always loved.....

Recently I was able to root my Note 4 using a One Time paid service to root (forgot its name now) but whatever I'm rooted on 4.4.4 now os no more notifications about the update being available, no more nags to upgrade....but the best thing is, my phone is back to normal now, 2 days battery life easily and 2.5 days if using it lightly!
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May 2, 2014
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Heres my battery life on kitkat with gaming

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Mar 19, 2014
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I find Lollipop just as good as Kit Kat. Really don't understand why people seem to have soo many problems with it. My phones just fine with it!

Sent from my Galaxy Note 4


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May 12, 2010
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Cool. I get around 5 hours of SOT if I am on WIFI all day. If I'm on data, I get like 2.5 hours or 3... Always with the same usage, of course. Maybe even more intensive data usage while commuting :) hehe.


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Dec 7, 2010
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I find Lollipop just as good as Kit Kat. Really don't understand why people seem to have soo many problems with it. My phones just fine with it!

Sent from my Galaxy Note 4

Same here. My Note seems faster and smooth as ever on lollipop. Not a issue to speak of.

Posted via my Samsung Galaxy Note 4

mty msi

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Dec 2, 2010
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There have probably been about as many posts/threads about people having good/better experiences w/ Lollipoop as there have been about those having new problems, reduced battery life, lag, apps/features not working correctly etc.

I have noticeably decreased battery life & lost my fast charge in the car as a result of Lollipoop. Even if I was among those that are having a good experience I still would want Kit Kat back. Sheer stupidity on Google's part to remove the lockscreen taskbar area notification icons, removing basic functionality in an OS is supposed to be an improvement??? I also dislike the new notifications because they're so large it forces you to remove some to read others, again removing basic functionality making a one step process a multi step process. IMO Google did a lousy job designing Lollipoop. To me it's the worst Android OS I've ever used going back to Froyo.


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Apr 5, 2015
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So staying on kit kat for ever? :) life is changing all the time. Such a waste to get stuck in one place. I adopt the good and bad of every release. I'm sure there are people that hated kit kat when it 1st came out. The cycle goes on and on. Good luck.

mty msi

Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
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So staying on kit kat for ever? :) life is changing all the time. Such a waste to get stuck in one place. I adopt the good and bad of every release. I'm sure there are people that hated kit kat when it 1st came out. The cycle goes on and on. Good luck.

Eventually in later releases Google will get it sorted out which is why the lockscreen taskbar area icons are returning in 5.1. But in the meantime I get less basic functionality, less battery life and no fast charge in the car. As I've previously stated on other Lollipoop threads apparently Google's Android OS designers don't use their OS's. Google flopped big time w/ Lollipoop & fortunately they know it.


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Nov 16, 2009
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Since I installed Lollipoop on my phone, it has been nothing but laaag. Battery life has been about the same but I notice significant lag on a lot of applications (using the dialer, various apps, calendar, ect. Making me seriously think about ditching the Note and going with a 6+ (and I am a HUGE android fan but the lag is a huge buzz kill). I have a 5S as a work phone, it works great. No lag, quick, responsive, good battery and most of the time, better signal than my N4. Very frustrated long time Android user here coming from a Note 2,


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Sep 25, 2013
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I'd love to have Kit Kat back but I don't want to root my phone.

Like someone else mentioned already, you don't need root to downgrade back down to 4.4.4. There are a few guides on XDA such as this one, but please make sure that you're reading the correct guide and downloading the correct files for your variant. The one I linked is for the Verizon Note 4 ONLY.

The process is fairly simple, as Odin does all the work. Just take the time to read through all the instructions a few times and make sure to back up all your data as it will erase everything. I tried Lollipop on the Note 4 and it never ran right (stuttering, frame drops, etc.) even after multiple factory data resets. I'm glad it works for most people but I'm much happier on KitKat as is my phone. If I weren't so lazy I'd probably downgrade all my other devices from Lollipop but as I spend most of my time using the Note 4, it'll be the only device to receive such treatment.


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Jan 29, 2012
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I have a love/hate relationship with Lollipop on my Note 4. I have been getting freezing and lag which I didn't get on KitKat. I did two factory resets. The second one seems to have worked.

Not keen on going through those hassles again. Wish Lollipop had been more polished. Seems it's not quite ready for prime time, from what I've found.

Hurts to say it but....there it is....


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2014
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Lollipop has killed my Note 4. I've been considering rooting it just for that fact. If it worked for u, I'm going to go ahead & do it. Any good Roms I should I know about ?

Tapatalk'n On The IPhone 6 Plus 


Mar 20, 2013
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im in the process of backing up data and downloading everything to "downgrade" back to kitkat. hope all goes well

using this guide

(Link removed by mod)

usually im reeeeeal skeptical and scary and paranoid, but the comments seem good. wishing myself luck


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Jul 18, 2011
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I have some phones with 5, some with Kitkat. I don't care which is running. I slap a launcher on it so they all look the same and you can't tell the difference for the majority of uses. It's just another OS. Heck, they could run WebOS for all I care. As long as my apps work and I can make a call, I'm good. Call quality and screen is way more important than the OS anymore.


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Sep 25, 2014
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Running Lollipop 5.0.1. As far as performance is concerned, everything seems just fine to me, maybe a tad slower. But, overall, I love it. Future releases should improve stuff.

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