Last day of return window.....


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2009
Been an annual upgrader for some time now. Going back to the HTC days! Been with Samsung since the Note 5. Never really had any hesitation on trading in for the newest note/S Ultra until this year. The 25 Ultra is fantastic, yet I'm still not 100% there yet with choosing it over the 24 Ultra. The display is better on the 25. The speakers are better. It's definitely zippier with the new processor. Camera results seem pretty comparable. I'm one that does value the s pen and an pretty frustrated by the decision to pull Bluetooth functionality. I do like the new design with rounded corners, but not sure i like it more than the more distinguished boxed corners. All this said, and it feels like a coin toss still at this point, 13 days in lol. Any final input that can help convince me one way or the other? Anyone else in the same boat??
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If you will switch back, you will keep thinking about if you did right choice 😉.
I'm not in the same boat as returning, but if you're hesitant now then return it. You can always come back to get one at a later date. If you got it from the carrier they always run those deals, Samsung runs promotions all the time also.

As far as it being more snappy.. It's a new phone, it should be. If you do a FDR on your 24 it'll be more snappy after that also.

I would caution you on the one UI 7 the 25 has may be better then what you will get on the 24. Not all OS updates on older phones work great, in fact Samsung keeps delaying the one UI 7 updates for the older phones. They are releasing another beta to be tested. So, with that said, one UI 7 may never run as great on the 24. I've had several OS updates ruin my phone experience and I've had several be better. Just something to think about.
Honestly, I never think it's worth upgrading after a year. Waiting 3-4 years isn't a problem.

Besides being an addict, the reason why I constantly upgrade it's because of the promotions. It's the reason why I have 4 dailies.

iPhone 15PM. I saved $400. 16 was coming out.

Pixel 9 Pro XL. Not only I saved $630 but I also got $350 store credit!

Flip⁶. We all know the promotion.

S25. I got the Pixel 8 for $0 last year so I flipped with Samsung for $550. I ended paying only $412 at the end. Would I buy it even with just the two $100 vouchers. I doubt it.

I have no problems keeping my S25. I can either sell it or wait for Samsung's Next Big Thing.

I said before but I'm able to do this because I'm handling my family's account. They rarely upgrade.
I returned the S25U yesterday. It was truly a coin toss. I was swapping every 2 or 3 days to get a true feel for both. The S25U just didn't give me enough of a better experience to keep it.

Last Saturday I had a girl's night and I used the S25U. The pics are top notch, but I did miss the BT. Using my watch I had to either twist my watch or reposition my arm. It just didn't feel right. Same for the palm thing. And talking to the camera ,"shoot", just felt stupid. One venue was loud, so I had to yell SHOOT or CHEESE. Lol!! I MISS THE BT PEN!!!

So that was the deciding factor for me. Knowing One UI 7 is coming eventually tipped the scales a little farther toward my decision to keep the S24U. I don't think there was a wrong answer this year.
<snipped quote> And talking to the camera ,"shoot", just felt stupid. One venue was loud, so I had to yell SHOOT or CHEESE. Lol!! I MISS THE BT PEN!!! <end of snip>
I hear ya!

I was out in public once yelling at my phone 'Shoot' 'SHOOT'!!! (s24U just wanted to scan... 🙄) I looked up & saw people staring at me horrified, like I had a gun or coaxing a hidden individual to shoot somebody. 🫣 Yeah, never again.
I haven't used mines much, but I won't be returning it. The deal was nice enough for me, but I do need to extend my trade in return as I haven't wiped that one yet
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Otherwise majority here I'm in opposite boat.
I'd never ever have it returned, no hesitation.
The design is finally perfect, I was dreaming about total flat display and flat frames but still boxy enough design. Like iPhone and Samsung have a baby xD and my wishes came thru.
S25U feels so much snapper, fast but also for the first time also fluid.
Display is gorgeous, speakers finally loud and clear, battery life amazing.
I do like taking pictures with bt s pen but it's not a reason to give up on s25u.
Using galaxy watch, or shoot cheese or palm register works for me fine.
I think if the screen difference wasn't as noticable I would've ultimately held onto the 24U. I'm gonna miss the s pen air command features, and I actually do prefer the boxier style of the 24.... But it'll be in a case 95% of the time. The processor and crispier screen ended up being the difference for me with deciding to keep the 25 and send in the 24. I discovered the grainy screen on my 24 during all the comparisons and it became hard to unsee in direct contrast with the 25. Hopefully I won't be regretting the decision. I would've been debating till the 21st day had it been a 3 week window lol
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For me personally, the latest is always the greatest. No way I'm using the last gen phone when the new one is available, and so it was an easy decision to pack and send S24 Ultra as soon as I received the S25 Ultra

I have been enjoying the S25 Ultra, and just the overall build and feel of it is so much better than S24 Ultra. And all the minor incremental updates/changes adds up to a better experience and I don't care about the bluetooth functionality on the s-pen.

In the end, most of this is a personal preference and decision.
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I've had my GS25U since Feb 4, ordered it around noon on Feb 2, thought about returning it because the blue "color" is more of a tint, if any.

However, I ended up keeping it, not only did I get a very good deal on it, I can give my GS24U to my wife to replace her Note 20 Ultra.

But yes, I understand that feeling, it's not that much of a step up from the GS24U, and I did use the Bluetooth functionality a lot, so we'll see how it goes.

So far, I have not used the GS25U more than a few hours, still using the GS24U every day, I guess been busy and not very excited about the GS25U has to do with it.

The goal is to fully start using it next weekend, hopefully before the end of this month.

Sent From the TARDIS
I was considering this device until the reviews started coming out saying that they had done away with BT. Like the OP I have been caught up in a loop of buying the new year's flagship device every year since the S10+. I was upset and didn't want to upgrade the year they removed the magnetic strip transmitter but that year I ended up hating the old device and wanting something new. Of course they never brought it back and I figure BT in the S-Pen will be the same way. Once they've taken it, it's gone for good. Will having it be enough for me to skip out on next year, only time will tell.

I saw mentioned that people who came from the S series probably won't care about it. I am from the S series and while I didn't understand the appeal of the S-Pen between the Note and the S series it was the S-Pen that swayed me into getting this new series of device. The screen off notes, the S-Pen camera remote, and just having a built in stylus for editing and other detail work. I can't see myself buying a ring or watch just for remote capabilities.

The reviews don't seem to be as enthusiastic as in previous years and every one of them mentions the removal of BT from the device. I would like to think if there is enough push back, lowered interest in the device, and a loud enough out cry from fans they might bring it back, but we'll see what happens next year.
It's pretty simple...

If you use the Bluetooth features of the spen then the S25U isn't for you and you should stay with what you have. Just because it's a new phone doesn't mean you have to upgrade to it, if Bluetooth spen is important to you the 25U is a downgrade.

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