Leaving iPhone for Android


Sep 14, 2018
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I am leaving the iPhone and going with the Pixel 2XL phone. As a newbie to Android my only concern is how music is organized. With the iPhone all music is organized via iTunes.

But with Android how will I know organize my music? Do I use Google Music as an iTunes replacement? Can I burn cd’s, add them to Google Music and listen offline?


Feb 19, 2018
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But with Android how will I know organize my music? Do I use Google Music as an iTunes replacement?

You can use Google Play Music as a replacement if you want, and there is a nice conversion tool to import your iTunes library, but there is also an Apple Music app for Android if you prefer to stay with Apple's service.

Can I burn cd’s, add them to Google Music and listen offline?

Yes, you can upload I believe 50,000 of your own songs and download them to your devices.


Trusted Member
Dec 31, 2014
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I am leaving the iPhone and going with the Pixel 2XL phone. As a newbie to Android my only concern is how music is organized. With the iPhone all music is organized via iTunes.

But with Android how will I know organize my music? Do I use Google Music as an iTunes replacement? Can I burn cd’s, add them to Google Music and listen offline?

The absolute beauty of Android in that respect is that you don't need any software to manage your music. If your IDv3 tags are right, the only organizing you have to do is just regular folders like on your computer. That's all!

Google Play Music is the app to read music but doesn't work like iTunes at all. There's also Google Play Music Manager which serves as a way to send your local music to Google's servers only.