LG G3 won't send MMS messages to email addresses

May 5, 2014
Bought my wife and I brand new LG G3's about a month ago and whenever I try to send an MMS message to an email address, the email recipients never get it. This happens on BOTH phones. The phone says it sent just fine and everything is rosey but the email recipients never get it. Once in a great while one WILL go thru however. The rest are stuck in limbo somewhere. Is this a network problem or my phone settings? These are AT&T compatible phones running Android 5.0 on Straight Talk. I called Straight Talk and basically got no where. The tech help said it's got to be the area I'm in. I recently went on a trip to San Diego which is 800 miles away and the phones did the same thing. Wouldn't sent MMS to email add's. I will add that phone to phone MMS works just fine. The trouble is sending MMS from phone to email address. It doesn't work. Attached is a screenshot of my APN settings per Straight Talk. Any ideas appreciated!

why not set up an email on the phone and send stuff that way that's how I do it I got 2 email addys on the phone and send pics an vids to my other email an get it on the pc
I have Verizon and can sent MMS to an email address. It comes across as {my phone number}@vzwpix.com.

I have a feeling Straight Talk isn't fully supporting this feature. It is very strange that one will slip through occasionally..
SMS goes to a phone number. If you're sending it to an SMS-to-email gateway, it's the gateway, or you're using the wrong email address (usually phone#@gateway-address.com). If the SMS app is translating an email address to a phone number, it's probably doing it wrong. (If you're just using an email address as th To: in a text, the phone will send it, but it won''t go anywhere. I've just tried it on a couple of carriers, with a couple of different phones. Text doesn't go by internet, email does. Totally different things.)

MMS is just a link sent by SMS linking to a file on the carrier's server - the picture or other file you're sending. Since the initial SMS doesn't go, the process doesn't work. (And an AT&T tech didn't catch that? I'm both surprised and disappointed. Edit - missed the ST reference - I'm not surprised.)

You can send an MMS to a gateway, you can send an email to a gateway, but if you can send an MMS to an email address on Verizon, it's something Verizon is doing at their end - translating the email address to a gateway address like phone#@vzwpix.com.
This method would work flawlessly on our old phones, Huawei 881c. I would send an mms message to an email add all the time with no exceptions. Same straight talk carrier too. It's only since we went to the G3's that it stopped working. Hope this provides more clues. Thanks!
on tmobile u can send an mms message to email I just tried the second try it went to my spam folder but it works atleast on tmobile
How interesting, I didn't know you could do this. I'm on Sprint & just tried it, works for me. I use Textra instead of the stock messaging app.
How interesting, I didn't know you could do this. I'm on Sprint & just tried it, works for me. I use Textra instead of the stock messaging app.
Yes, it's so much easier than using email AND messaging. Everything goes out and comes into your messaging app. SMS and MMS.
Well, I tried Textra just now and sent 3, received 2. Not quite instantly either. Took about 5 mins for them to be received, but 2 of them worked. Will keeping trying Textra for a while longer then. One question about Textra, it doesn't show email contacts, only shows mobile contacts. How do you make it show email contacts? Thanks!
Oh sorry, since I don't usually text to email addresses I assumed that would show emails with that option unchecked. Textra is the little brother app of Chomp SMS, so if you can't get Textra to do what you want, you could always try Chomp. But maybe go for Evolve next since that was recommended.
Did that. Still doesn't show email adds. Hmm....

In EvolveSMS, you have to create a new message to the email address you want to send to. Then, you can open recent messages from the side menu and long-touch the contact (that you just created and his view contact. It will then prompt you to save the contact. When you do this, you can open the menu and touch Join which will join it to a contact you already have (just match up the email address). This binds the contacts together for EvolveSMS.

Or just create new messages by typing in the email address for them and don't worry about the joining contact thing. It will function basically the same minus any personalized notification settings you may want to set up.
Well, I think i'm going to chalk this issue up to being "messaging app specific" because with Textra and Chomp MOST of the messages went thru but not all. Still can't depend 100% on the messages being received. Might be a combo of that and "phone specific" too. Thanks!
Well, I think i'm going to chalk this issue up to being "messaging app specific" because with Textra and Chomp MOST of the messages went thru but not all. Still can't depend 100% on the messages being received. Might be a combo of that and "phone specific" too. Thanks!
I'm glad you found some resolution, even if it's not 100% yet.

In MMS settings for Evolve, check to see what max message size works best for you. Mine is set at 500kb (default?) and this might help you.

Not sure what it was capped at on your other phones, but this could be a piece of the puzzle.
This is my 2 cents of what a tech did to cure all of my phones texting, messaging, adding pictures to text problems. It was the mmsc, the proxy, and the port. Once the tech filled those in properly, the phone worked flawlessly. I see the proxy has nothing. My bet is it is this missing link, or just making sure these three are correct from support from your provider. Phone does everything perfect now. Just trying to help!

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