LG V10 HOT POCKET! It Has A Mind of Its Own!


Well-known member
May 26, 2014
This has been happening all summer. When I walk I keep my V10 in the front pocket. When it's hot - direct sunlight, the phone wakes up and starts snapping photos and movies. Once it tried to send SMS messages! When I walk I'm either streaming music, listening to MP3 or talking on the V10. Also, the phone gets hot - from the sun. Normally there are zero heat issues.
Some of the photos (we call them pocket photos) are interesting, if you like abstract.

The solution is to let the screen face out, as opposed to against my thigh. Anyone else experience this?
Turn off the double click volume down shortcut to launch camera and shoot pictures and see if that helps.
Turn off the double click volume down shortcut to launch camera and shoot pictures and see if that helps.

I have a solution - see my original post "The solution is to let the screen face out, as opposed to against my thigh." It's not just the camera. The heat from the sun causes the phone to "wake up" in my pocket when listening/streaming music. I always turn off the screen before placing in the pocket.
The summer is over so it should be good for now :)

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