LG VK 815- Suggestions how i can improve performance?


New member
Apr 13, 2016

I have the Verizon LG 815 (hardware ver rev. 1.0) running Android version 6.0 (recent update of security patch) and in general my tablet is very laggy and slow.

I recently downloaded a few games (bowling and tap sports baseball) on my tablet and they are both very laggy (slow responding). For example, when the pitcher throws the ball it skips on the screen and difficult to track and when the batter swings there is a delay between when you press to swing and the bat actually moves (not like this at all on G5).

I'm curious if this expected performance for higher graphic games/apps or could something be wrong with the tablet? Thanks!!

Other than the bloatware, I have a handful of apps, most of which are disabled. Total Memory is 1.8GB and 630MB's is free. I have 5.58GB of storage free (out of 16GB) and I clear cache often.
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Welcome to Android Central! Any power-saving modes or apps turned on?

Power saving mode is off and I'm not sure what you mean by apps turned on? Under the application manager I have most apps that I'm familiar with stopped or disabled. I've also made some changes under developer mode to the animation scale settings, now all three at .5x. Any other ideas/thoughts? thanks!
Have you tried benchmarking the device using AnTuTu Benchmark or 3DMark?
Thanks B. Diddy for the reference to AnTuTu
I've never benchmarked my Android devices
Using Benchmark and 3DMark I just got 37896
3D: 7307
UX: 14764
CPU: 13291
RAM: 2534

I'm going to test my LG3, DNA and LG VK410

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