Light bleed


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2010
Omg. I've just noticed the light bleed on my note 7 on the sides where the screen meets the side metal bezel
Anyone has that problem? You can obviously see the light in between the metal and the black thin screen bezel.

It's not exactly 'light bleed', but an effect of the curved glass. If you look at it directly from the top you won't see that effect, but from an angle (like your pictures) it's gonna be there. Not new to the Note, either... it's been there since the first curved phone.
LED does not bleed like a LCD screen since each pixel is illuminated independently
It bleeds any color that's on the screen. It's the black painted frame on the screen not meeting all the way to the metal frame. Thats a deal breaker for someone with OCD :(
It's not exactly 'light bleed', but an effect of the curved glass. If you look at it directly from the top you won't see that effect, but from an angle (like your pictures) it's gonna be there. Not new to the Note, either... it's been there since the first curved phone.
Even from the top I can still see it.
It bleeds any color that's on the screen. It's the black painted frame on the screen not meeting all the way to the metal frame. Thats a deal breaker for someone with OCD :(

Lol mine does that. I think i saw this on another topic and I believe I saw it was normal. I know it bothers you and I understand that but I think it's pretty neat. And I have a mild form of OCD😊

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