Lighting up the bottom keys


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2011
The keys on the bottom of my Inspire (Home, menu, back, search) are sometimes lit up, and other times not. It seems to be random as to when they are lit or not. Sometimes, I am using the web browser in dark conditions, and it would be nice to have the keys lit up. However, I can't figure out how to get them to light up.

Any ideas?

they react to the amount of light the phone is getting

The problem is, I don't think it is. In low light, they are not on. Other times (same lighting), they are on. It just seems to be random.

Is there a way to turn them on when you need them?
You can return it within the first 30 days for any reason. Warranty has no bearing on the return policy.
So, you think the phone is defective? Why would that be- everything else seems to work fine. I am wondering if it is some setting that I have missed.
Auto brightness is off. Screen is set to about 25%.

But, I think I may have figured it out somewhat. On the top front of the phone, to the right of the speaker is what looks like a little LED. It is actually the light sensor. If I put my finger over the sensor, the bottom keys light up. When I move my finger away, the lights go back off again.

Apparently the light sensor is not sensitive enough (or too sensitive?). The simple fix around this is to stick my finger over the sensor if I need the keys to be lit up.
@f308gt4, as a test, in a room with the light off, press the power button so the main screen comes on. Once that's on, do the keys light up?

If not, I say get the device replaced...
In a dark room, the keys do light up and stay on.

I guess the issue for me is in a room with only moderate lighting. The device thinks there is enough light to light up the buttons, but my old eyes need more light...

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