Locked Bootloader


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Mar 8, 2011
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My ONLY hesitation with this phone is the fact that it has the double whammy. #1 it's a Motorola and Motorola is notoriously ANTI-Unlocked Bootloader. #2 It's on Verizon's Network.The Kiss of Death for Rooting.

I have had the Droid Incredible and currently have a Galaxy Nexus. Both were rooted within 24 hours of placing them in my hand. I can't imagine NOT rooting and removing the bloat, even if I never decide to ROM.

Is this a hesitation for anyone else?


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Feb 12, 2011
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It's not for me. I'm sure someone will come up with a work around. For me, it really comes down to how much I like voice commands and how much I use them. I'm a Cyanogenmod kinda guy, then stock Android in a close second. If Motorola does a good job with the device, then I might be content without CM's features (especially if it means losing voice commands). Without being able to put my hands on the Maxx, I really like what Motorola has done with it. I like customizing my device, but there's a decent chance I could be happy with root and developer options.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2012
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developers will comeup with root exploit very soon. you can remove moto from locked boot-loader blame game since Verizon and ATT MotoX is locked but other carriers are not.
Since Moto is Google owned this might change soon.


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Jul 18, 2012
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It's on my "con" list, but very minor. I will be picking up a Maxx to replace my Droid Razr, and I never rooted the Razr. I was starting to really think about it, though, as it's been getting frustratingly laggy/slow, and it really put some extra life in my OG Droid when I changed it over to CyanogenMod. Unfortunately, it looks like I won't ever get a chance to put CM on my Razr, as it got lost in a kayaking incident, and I'm stuck on my OG Droid waiting for the Maxx's release date.


Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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My ONLY hesitation with this phone is the fact that it has the double whammy. #1 it's a Motorola and Motorola is notoriously ANTI-Unlocked Bootloader. #2 It's on Verizon's Network.The Kiss of Death for Rooting.

I have had the Droid Incredible and currently have a Galaxy Nexus. Both were rooted within 24 hours of placing them in my hand. I can't imagine NOT rooting and removing the bloat, even if I never decide to ROM.

Is this a hesitation for anyone else?

Your number 1 makes your number 2 irrelevant. Move along.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
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Your concern over bloat is unwarranted, just freeze it. It's one of the best features of Android that no one talks about. If you want want a Nexus experience, keep the GNex. Unfortunately it's that simple.


Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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Your concern over bloat is unwarranted, just freeze it. It's one of the best features of Android that no one talks about. If you want want a Nexus experience, keep the GNex. Unfortunately it's that simple.

I get what you're saying here but it's not completely unwarranted. While disabled, those apps are still taking up space on the device.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2011
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I rooted all my previous phones - started with the OG Droid, but this phone I might just go without rooting - everything on it is stock android - Moto put 0 skin. As far as bloat - when in the app drawer, press and hold on a bloat app icon - pretend to drop it onto the desktop but instead drop the icon all the way on top where it says "App Info" - Force Stop then Freeze! Done. Dont even have to go through all apps guessing which ones to freeze. I know it's not entirely the same as completely removing them form the System\App, but close enough for me! THE only need I still have for rooting is to install Cerberus as a system app but it is running as a regular app and hidden from the app drawer - this will suffice. Other than that - this phone can be gotten to pure Nexus experience pretty closely and very easily without rooting! I'm a happy camper, so far.


Aug 25, 2010
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I'm with CrazyRussian on this. I've had the OG Droid, Thunderbolt, GNex, and Nexus 4. Every last one of them were rooted, most of them within the first week.

But in time on the Nexus 4 I realized that I hardly even used root access for anything. So many things that used to require root don't need it anymore.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk 4


Jan 27, 2012
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Yes and no. I bought the Maxx anyway, because how can you beat 48 hours (advertised) of battery life?! I've had it for two days and the first full charge gave me 1 day, 45 minutes of power (I have 2 extremely active email accounts and a lot of social media apps). I'd like to see root soon (honestly, this thing is so stock it's nice) for wifi tethering and other small tweaks like t-9 dial contact and text % for battery. Not missing anything else at the moment.