Lollipop experience on Nexus 5


Active member
May 26, 2014
Hey guys. Would appreciate your experience with Lollipop on the Nexus 5. Any issues? Any lag? Thinking of buying one coming from an iPhone!
Hey guys. Would appreciate your experience with Lollipop on the Nexus 5. Any issues? Any lag? Thinking of buying one coming from an iPhone!
Everything works fine for me. I wouldn't let Lollipop affect your purchase if you are considering the Nexus 5. Lollipop is still being worked on and Google is pushing updates to fix bugs. The latest builds are discussed here: New Android 5.1 build LMY47I factory images now available for the Nexus 5 and Nexus 6 | Android Central

Let us know if you decide on purchasing it and how everything is going.
Will do. I had a galaxy S3 years ago and got so frustrated with it, especially when it came to playing music. It would always skip during a song. Is that because of android or samsung? Anything like that on nexus?
I too had a Galaxy S3 (and original S prior to that), and I moved to a Nexus 5 last year. I have had no issues with my Nexus 5 - with battery life, updates or anything. The experience has been nothing but smooth for me - although, some of our friends on this forum have had challenges with their N5's, especially with the Lollipop upgrade. I have manually upgraded each time with the OTA files - and so far, have faced no issues. Best of luck to you on your purchasing decision.
I was a bit confused with an option to create additional users or set up a guest user to hand out your phone to someone else to temporarily use. Well, the bug that gets to me is when you have one application installed under user A and, for example, installing a debug app under user B, it takes a while to figure out why the installation process interrupts. The issue lies in the multi-user functionality and that it holds already the same app under a different user. That was confusing and for those who may experience it for the first time may take a while to find out the problem. Roughly speaking, I don't find the multi-user functionality as useful as it probably was supposed to be.
Roughly speaking, I don't find the multi-user functionality as useful as it probably was supposed to be.

I would agree, I did not create any other users. I have no intention on handing my phone to anyone to use. Everyone that I would hand my phone to already has there own phone. I would never hand it to some toddler to play a game as some people do.
I would agree, I did not create any other users. I have no intention on handing my phone to anyone to use. Everyone that I would hand my phone to already has there own phone. I would never hand it to some toddler to play a game as some people do.

Yes that's right. I would be glad if that feature is further developed or improved to actually take advantage from it because now it's a redundant as from user experience perspective so from development one sometimes.
Had my nexus 5 since it came out, still runs good as new, and after lollipop, even better

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I switched to a Nexus 5 running lollipop a couple of weeks ago. Was an iPhone user previously.

Runs really well. Noticed a big improvement over IOS especially speed.

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Mine is slower since lollipop but that's not saying much because it's still really fast. It needs a factory reset which I've been procrastinating with.
I'm new to cell phones but I got the Nexus 5 and when Android 5 came along I backed up my contacts and apps, installed Android 5, and then did a factory restore. For some reason, I lost one contact--not a biggie--and two apps I'd purchased had to be downloaded and verified again. Since then, it's worked fine. I personally attribute this to the harmonic convergence of Nexus "5" and Android "5". Don't you see? It was just meant to be?

I would love an inexhuastible battery but I have a Qi charger on my desk and usually set the phone on it. Since I'm quite deaf I don't sit on the phone chatting for hours and have have no games on the phone so my battery will last all day. Also, it recharges faster than I expected. Not a lightning flash but faster than I expected.

Going from an Apple product to a Nexus has two problems. One is you lose cool. Everyone knows that Apple is cool and everything else, well, isn't. You also have to learn something. Everyone knows that Apple products are simply intuitive. Chimpanzes have picked up Iphones and called MIT within five minutes.

Other than that, though, Nexus 5 is, for me, great.

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