What exactly is rude and appropriate about my request? If you're not sure what an App Drawer is, simply ask. We get a lot of members here who have widely varied experience levels, and there have been times when people have considered it rude to be explained what a term is because they already know it. So we tend to presume a certain level of familiarity with Android and other tech terms, but it's never a problem to ask.
The App Drawer (or as Moto calls it, the App Tray) is the list of all of your installed apps that you can bring up directly from your homescreen. (This is different from going to the system settings and selecting Apps -- that's to get specific information about an app, and to do certain operations for that app like clearing its cache or data.) You can bring up the App Drawer in a couple of different ways, depending on if you're using gesture navigation or not. If you're using gestures, then you typically swipe up from the lower half of the screen. If you're using nav buttons (the 3 buttons at the bottom edge of the screen), then there's typically an App Drawer button in the bottom row of your homescreen (i.e., the Favorites tray) -- this button looks like a circle or square with a grid of dots in it.
Things can be further complicated by how an individual manufacturer tweaks the interface. For example, Moto give you the option to choose between "App Tray" and "Open" -- the latter completely eliminates the App Tray and shows every single installed app on the home screen (like an iPhone). See this support page:
In your case, make sure App Tray is selected. You should then be able to bring up the App Tray by swiping up from the bottom of the screen. Once the App Tray comes up, find the Clock app, long-press it, then drag and drop it to the homescreen.
You mention that long-pressing isn't working -- is that from the App Tray? That's why I was asking for a screenshot, to see where you're attempting the long-press. I didn't ask if you're using a 3rd party launcher because you didn't initially specify that -- are you using a 3rd party launcher? That certainly would be good information to know.