I did that the first day I got the phone. I think it is the sd card that mess with my phone
Skickat fr?n min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
If removing the SD card helped, try backing up your data from the card to your computer and then formatting the card from within the phone. If you have any apps installed on the card, move them back over to the phone before doing this. If you have any apps set to store data on the card - like the camera or the browser or office apps or any other app - change the location to the primary device storage first as well. Also clear the phone cache from recovery.
See if just having the blank phone-formatted card in causes any lag. If it does, try a different card.
If it doesn't, try copying your files back onto it from the computer. Don't copy any apps or app data, just non-app files like documents, music, pics, etc.
If it is still functioning well and you have any apps that you wish to store data on the card try changing the storage location one app at a time and test in between for lag.
If all is still well and you want to move any apps installation to the SD card, try them one at a time with testing in between.
My phone turns on instantly from sleep and I do have an SD card installed so you just need to track down whether something is wrong with the card or your file system got corrupted or there is a particular app that isn't playing well with it.