Looking for a developer


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Sep 26, 2011
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First time poster, longtime creeper...:p

I have had this idea for an app, well a few apps, but have had a hard time finding a developer that does good work for the right price. I have been in talks with around 8 development firms and a few independent developers. The problem that I find is most of the firms do amazing work but want no less than $50k to build the app that I am trying to get built. Later I decided it might be best to see if I can find a freelancer to do the work. Most of the freelancers I talked to were awesome, but just either said they were not skilled enough to do what I was asking or they were they were willing to take the project on, but couldn't give me an accurate price or time quote. After all of this, I have taken my app idea and scaled it down a bit.

Now that I have bored you with my utterly dry story, I can get to my question. Would any of you have any suggestions on where I can find a developer for my app? Do any of you do app development? (I pay well, I just don't have 50 grand on hand.)



New member
Sep 27, 2011
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Hi, I don't know if you have already find developer you was searching for. I'm able to do some apps with App Inventor and I'm trying to do it in Java. I have not a great experience as you can see, but I want to grow in this field and sure I don't pretend much money. If you are still interested contact me. I'm ready to make a declaration that I will not use or spread your ideas without your assent. Best regards Domenico