looking into switching to Sprint could use some help & feedback


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
Hi there,

We are VZW customers and have been for almost forever. We tried Sprint several years ago and I never thought I'd even think about going back to Sprint because we subsequently had to get them to let us out of contract because hubby travels constantly and was getting too many dropped calls. They were really good about it :)

Ok, so fast-forward probably 5-6 years post-Sprint trial and I'm looking into giving them another try. We currently have the 30G plan on VZW and *really* need more data but can't afford more. We have 2 phones and I also use VZW hotspot for our Internet because we can't get cable where we live now. Hotspot usage is 6 or 8G per month on average. Hubby is an OTR trucker who loves YouTube and other streaming/video activities which is where the bulk of the data goes and I *hate* babysitting our data usage.

Sprint has what appears to be some *really!* nice plans way cheaper than VZW that would alleviate our data usage stress and thus very tempting but we're worried about dropped calls. I would imagine Sprint has had some major network upgrades since our previous experience but the question is, is it enough so dropped calls are not an issue? I've looked at coverage maps and what you see on their website is quite different when you Google for coverage maps (no surprise really). Were in WI and Hubby travels East and South for the most part.

I don't see BYOD options on their website. I love my Note 5 and want to keep it. Can I bring it to Sprint? I don't see wearables on the Sprint website, I have a Gear S2 and need to keep it.

Does anyone know if they have a trial plan option so that we could have 14-30 days to try it without being locked in? According to their website they'll buy out our remaining VZW contract which at this point would be the hotspot, my Gear S2 and hubby's phone. My Note 5 is out of contract.

Can I just get Sprint sims for all of these and swap the sims? We need to cut costs so to purchase new phones, watch and hotspot just to get on Sprint really isn't an option.

The small print says "Data deprioritization applies during times of congestion." which I'm assuming is no different than throttling. So when typically does "congestion" occur and how often?

I do plan to call or online chat with Sprint with my questions but having some experienced users feedback first would be valuable to me. Their website pages have changed since yesterday, ugh.

Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Sprint has what appears to be some *really!* nice plans way cheaper than VZW that would alleviate our data usage stress and thus very tempting but we're worried about dropped calls.
That depends entirely on location. What's great here might be terrible somewhere else. (Sprint does not have the best coverage - neither does TMobile.)

I would imagine Sprint has had some major network upgrades since our previous experience but the question is, is it enough so dropped calls are not an issue?
Again, that depends on location.

I've looked at coverage maps and what you see on their website is quite different when you Google for coverage maps (no surprise really). Were in WI and Hubby travels East and South for the most part.
It's worse than "east and south", it's "on this block".

I don't see BYOD options on their website.
You can't. If the particular phone (the IMEI number or electronic serial number) isn't in their database, you can't use it. (They'll tell you that the phone isn't SIM-locked. That's trye. But it has to be in their database, so it's as good as locked.)

I love my Note 5 and want to keep it. Can I bring it to Sprint?
No. There are note 5s for Sprint, but they're Sprint Note 5s, not Verizon Note 5s.

Does anyone know if they have a trial plan option so that we could have 14-30 days to try it without being locked in?
Just go into a company store (note that MOST Sprint stores aren't - they're independent contractors) and ask.

Can I just get Sprint sims for all of these and swap the sims?
Yes - but they won't connect to Sprint's network.

The small print says "Data deprioritization applies during times of congestion." which I'm assuming is no different than throttling. So when typically does "congestion" occur and how often?
Evenings,weekends, holidays, during storms in any major populated area, etc., etc.
Online chat with Sprint rep I learned they have no data plans for my Gear S2. I'd have bluetooth only :(

I was even considering giving up my Note 5 (S pen keeps me hooked) but I don't think I can get past not having my Gear phone ability. It's one of my safety nets.

Bluntly speaking, this sucks. Thank you for your input!
Personally ... I wouldn't go with Sprint if he is heavy into video and things of that nature. Their network still struggles some places (not all) but they also throttle these things down. They even throttle music streams to only being so fast. There are so many of those little things that would make it not worth the switch to me.

Have you tried looking at AT&T to see if they offer something similar to Verizon with better pricing?
When I was on Sprint there network was not friendly when it came to data. But this is all subject to location. I'd look into att as well. I have them now and they work great in my area. Much better than Sprint does but its not as cheap either. But the network can be used at anytime that you would like in most cases. CS isn't bad either.
What about the cheaper cricket wireless option with unlimited data for $65? Runs off at&t towers.
OP said AT&T doesn't have service where they live, so Cricket won't have service either.

Try RingPlus to test Sprint's network out. There's a small top up fee to get started, but they offer free service every month. You can use that to decide if Sprint's network is good enough for you where you need it.
OP said AT&T doesn't have service where they live, so Cricket won't have service either.

Try RingPlus to test Sprint's network out. There's a small top up fee to get started, but they offer free service every month. You can use that to decide if Sprint's network is good enough for you where you need it.
My bad didn't realize op posted above me.
Try RingPlus to test Sprint's network out. There's a small top up fee to get started, but they offer free service every month. You can use that to decide if Sprint's network is good enough for you where you need it.

I'll check out their website, thanks!
I've had bad experiences with Sprint in the last 20 years. Can't recommend them. You can always give them a try. You should have 14 days to know whether or not they can work well for you.
I have been with nobody but Sprint for 15+ years.
I live in the Atlanta area and their coverage and service has always been great.
As the ads say, all carriers are within 1% of each other and it's true.
If they have coverage in your area, go for it.

Mav. :cool:

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