Lost images!! Help!!

droid 8172

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2009
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I recently downloaded dm 1.0 and its awesome so far. But I got one little problem. Ever since I downloaded 1.0, I seem to have lost from my downloads from my picture gallery. But when I go into astro file mgr, I see all my wallpapers that i downloaded from my comp. How do I restore all my downloaded pics back to my gallery. I never had this problem with the previous roms I installed:confused:. Thanks In advance..


Retired Moderator
Nov 2, 2009
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Have you tried to restart your droid? Are you able to open the pictures using astro?
And you could try connecting to your computer and removing the pictures then delete the folder then add them back in a new folder and see if that helps.
This happened to my music awhile back and I think opening with astro moved them back.