Low keypad button tone volume


Well-known member
May 22, 2016
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When I use this keypad, the keypad button tone is what I would describe as at a normal volume. Not loud, but loud enough to hear it comfortably.


But with this interface, the button tones are barely audible


I've experienced this on and off for years, and periodically it was dealt with, but I don't recall how. The fix is not in the basic system volume settings (all volume levels there are at max). At least, I can't find anything related to it there.

NOTE: I assume this has been mentioned before. The editing options for these threads are unnecessarily confusing. The 'Edit Thread" option at the top, is actually only for editing the title. I thought I was doing something wrong. I had to fumble around for a while before realizing there was another edit option at the bottom.

I don't get the logic of that.
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