Maybe a new member :)


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Mar 17, 2014
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So first of all, hello guys, I'm a hard WP fan (don't stop reading lol :D), now I own a Lumia 920, but I'd like to try something totally different. The Android OS.. And this is why, I've got some questions...
-what phone would you recommend to me? (The most important is the performance, and the size of the screen, but the price matters too)
-some reasons, why did You guys have chosen android when you bought your device?
-how long will google support a new phone?(os updates)

Thanks for reading this, maybe I'll change :)

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Nov 25, 2010
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Welcome to AC. Always glad to have a fellow member from one of our sister forums here.

I'll let the members respond on behalf of some of your questions. I will answer one.

-how long will google support a new phone?(os updates)
Google and/or the OEM's try to maintain an 18-24 month window of updates. Not to say there hasn't been some devices cut short of this window and some that may have gone beyond but that is the general range. Most devices usually see at least 1 possibly 2 OS updates.

Look around, have some fun and hope you find the answers your looking for.


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Dec 28, 2009
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Welcome to AC!!

I almost stopped reading after the first sentence :p

I chose Android when it was still fairly new and I wanted to try out something else since I had been on BB for a while.

I would suggest the Note 3 because it's

I root and ROM my phones so my updates come from the devs and tends to be a long time for support :)

Sent from my Anthem filled Note 3


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Dec 14, 2013
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i was also a WP user XD then i switched my 620 for a Moto G!

i chose Android because of the freedom it gives and extensive customization options!
also because the Moto G caught me with its amazing quality and smoothness for such low price XD

sent from my Moto G <3

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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Welcome to Android Central! My main reason for preferring Android is the flexibility of the OS and the variety of devices available. It keeps the experience fresh and exciting.

Recommended devices really depend on what wireless carrier you use. I have a Nexus 5 and think it's one of the best phones you can buy. My next choice would have been the Moto X. Both of these phones are closely associated with Google, and therefore get system updates quickly (and will also likely get updates for at least 2 years).


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Apr 19, 2011
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Welcome to the forums.. Maybe! I only say that because you said you're going to maybe be apart of the amazing Android OS. No, I'm kidding. How ya doing?!

So, I have switched from Android to iOS back to android, then to iOS and back to Android! I have a really good feeling that I'm not going to be leaving the android ecosystem for a long time. I am in love with the customization that comes along with Android and the complete freedom that we have here in our devices. One thing that I love is the ability choose your OWN default app for anything. For example, the mail and browser apps. We don't have to use the stock mail, browser, or any other app that we don't want to. I know that with Apple products they pretty much make it impossible to use any other app other than theirs when it comes to just simple tasks.

Okay. Now to the "What phone do I choose" question. This can get tricky tricky. To rock a rhyme. You know that song? Sorry, I'm getting off track. There are A LOT of android devices that you can choose from. All of which, do basically the same thing, but have many differences in them. From the hardware/software and of course the brand. I guess the most popular androids right now are Samsungs, so they say. Mostly the Note and Galaxy line. I'm not too much of a fan because of the UI. But that's just personal preference. I guess I should point out that there is a difference between vanilla android and.. Well whatever they call the other android UI's.

Vanilla android is Google's pure version of android. Pure android can only truly be found on Google's Nexus devices. But there is the Moto X, which I have and love, that is basically vanilla android just not vanilla android. They did a good job at keeping the UI very simple and as close to pure as possible, but also adding some very neat, practical, and useful features.

I recommend the Moto X to anyone who asks me what android device I suggest. Again, it'll ultimately come down to your personal preference but you did ask what phone we recommend. The size, being 4.7 inches, is perfect. The curved shape lets the phone comfortably rest in your hand and it even has a little dimple on the back that your finger fits nicely on.

So I guess I would recommend either the Moto X or the Nexus 5. That's if you want vanilla android.

But go and check out Samsung, LG, HTC and the other brands out there. You could really like them. And if you, awesome. At least you'll be in the android ecosystem. :)

You have any questions, feel free to PM me and I'll help with whatever I can. I speak for others on that as well, because I know they would be glad to help as well.

Once again, welcome to Android Central and I hope you join us.

Sent from my XT1056 using Tapatalk


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Mar 17, 2014
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Nah...first of all thanks for the replies, this seems to be a nice community :) Secondly (I'm not sure if it's a real word or not lol) I'll delay my android 'transferring' to summer, because I'm totally in love with the phablets, and I'm sure that there will be much more of them later this year... But the decision is made, so I'm surely gona make this 'change' sooner or later :)


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Apr 19, 2011
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Glad to hear it! You have a thought about what phone you might want? By that time, I'm sure we'll see some new devices. Well, I know we will. :b

Sent from my XT1056 using Tapatalk


Trusted Member Team Leader
Dec 4, 2012
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So first of all, hello guys, I'm a hard WP fan (don't stop reading lol :D), now I own a Lumia 920, but I'd like to try something totally different. The Android OS.. And this is why, I've got some questions...
-what phone would you recommend to me? (The most important is the performance, and the size of the screen, but the price matters too)
-some reasons, why did You guys have chosen android when you bought your device?
-how long will google support a new phone?(os updates)

Thanks for reading this, maybe I'll change :)

Posted via Android Central App

Welcome to the forums. I would suggest the Moto X for a device. As for Android, why I chose it was the ability to customize the whole phone.

From a Sprint Moto X using AC Forums app


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May 14, 2012
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If you're waiting till later this summer I would get the LG G3. The current G2 is a pretty amazing device and I would expect more if the same. It's the device I'm waiting on myself

Sent from my HTCONE using AC Forums mobile app


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Mar 17, 2014
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Actually i'm looking for a plate, a at least 6" device...:D But I found a Huawei ascend mate...It seems pretty nice (quad core proc., 2gigs of ram...) to me, but I'm not sure about it...You know, at Windows Phone, low spec phones are amazingly fast too, and as I heard Android needs higher specs...And that's why I'm not sure about that this phone's processor is enough..soo...Is the Huawei Ascend Mate a good phone? :D


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Sep 14, 2013
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Based on those specs it should do just fine. Same class as the G2 if for only the number of cores + ram. Huawei's UI is an unknown to me. Do you have access to the Google play edition devices? You could get the Z ultra gpe. 6.4 in running stock android.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


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Jul 4, 2010
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Welcome! The great thing is there are so many great phones to choose from right now, and about to be released. I myself have a bit of a 'plate' Note 3 :). Also, a Nexus 5. Enjoy!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using AC Forums mobile app

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