Media server problems


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2016
Still here. Another issue with my phone. Media server burns the phone up in the morning. It has used 15 percent in 20 minutes of being on. Now I have read through and I don't have Chrome enabled. Any idea what else makes this happen.
Mediaserver often causes issues if there's a corrupt media file on the SD card or Internal Storage. The easier place to check is the SD card, so if you have one inserted, go to Settings>Storage, Unmount the card, remove it, and insert it into your computer. Can the computer read these files? Backup as much as you can right now, then run chkdsk to look for bad sectors:
If you've downloaded any ringtones you might have a corrupted mp3 file that is causing Media Server to run wildly in the background.
Thanks for the reply.
I have no SD card installed. Never have

Try a cache partition wipe, if you haven't already:

If that doesn't help, then it might be a corrupt media file on internal storage. This is more of a hassle, but you can try connecting your phone to your computer via USB and backing up all of your media to the hard drive (photos, music, videos). Then delete them all from the phone. Remember to include all media, including things like custom ringtones, as suggested by cohoman. The directories you should be looking at are /DCIM/Camera, /Ringtones, /Notifications, /Alarms, /media, /Movies, /Music, /Pictures, /Podcasts, and /Download.
Did yet another reset on Tuesday and all Wednesday well what a delight I turned off as much Google stuff as possible and I got a full day no heat issues it was great. Then today the bloody media server has raised its head and took 25% in the first hour off charge
Could this possibly the Oculus battery drain problem? Try disabling Oculus.
I did indeed
If you did a factory reboot and didn't install any apps or mp3 files and just used you phone for a few days and didn't see any media server issues, then I would think the problem may be an installed app, ringtone, or mp3 file that you had installed previously. I'd try reinstalling apps slowly to figure out which one is causing the media server battery drain. I had the issue when I had a corrupt mp3 file that was downloaded by Google play music.
Full factory reset I have put apps back on. I have no SD card installed no download ringtones. I have put some apps back on. Nothing crazy. In all fairness a phone should work without all this fuss. Taking weeks to find out something is wrong myself is absolutely bonkers. Surely this "excellent phone" should really be just that. Most certainly not buggy
Did you install your music files? Or, any app that uses custom sounds?
So it would seem Media Server starts when Netflix does. My daughter has a tendency to steal my phone in the morning get to watch Paw Patrol. So I see there is a Netflix update so I will keep an eye out. Or its time for my daughter to move out...slight problem she is only 2!
In all fairness a phone should work without all this fuss. Taking weeks to find out something is wrong myself is absolutely bonkers.

Agree 100% There's a limit to just how much time I'll spend screwing around with a phone before I move on. I think this would have been my limit, I'm just too busy to spend what little discretionary time I have chasing these details. I do enjoy some "tweaking" and trouble shooting these devices but sometimes it's just too much. Good luck.
I give in. All running ok. Then for no reason what so ever the phone goes really hot and guess what media server has just started up now the phone is running slow and jittery
And I am on power saver. It's a f***ing joke

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