Merge Sighting in My Verizon Text Alerts


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Jan 28, 2011
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well until they take down those support pages im still thinking they just might release it. guessing it wasnt held back on the account of 4g since the Dinc 2 is going to be rockin that 3g.

it would really be sweet if verizon went on a phone announcement spree. they already have that new 4g sammy, that new rugged casio phone, and the 2nd gen incredible coming by then end of this week. just toss the merge in with that bunch. hell, id like it if they did it just for sh&&s and giggles.

I know, it doesn't even have to be a huge could be a footnote in another phone's press release like:

"Finally for those who require a physical keyboard, we are also pleased to announce the availability of the HTC Merge, available for 150 dollars on a new 2 year contract."

I'd be at the VZW store in a few days (payday ftw!):D


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Mar 10, 2011
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So last night I'm at one of my favorite bars. Go up to order a drink, look down and what do I see in front of the guy next to me?? A FREAKING VERIZON BRANDED MERGE!!!

Turns out the guy was a test tech. He told me they were asked to return the phones since they weren't planning on releasing the Merge, but he loved it so much he kept his.

I got to fiddle with it a bit, and sweet Mother of Moses...its PERFECT. I mean after handling this thing, the weight, size, keyboard, everything is perfect, and that only makes me want it more :(


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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So last night I'm at one of my favorite bars. Go up to order a drink, look down and what do I see in front of the guy next to me?? A FREAKING VERIZON BRANDED MERGE!!!

Turns out the guy was a test tech. He told me they were asked to return the phones since they weren't planning on releasing the Merge, but he loved it so much he kept his.

I got to fiddle with it a bit, and sweet Mother of Moses...its PERFECT. I mean after handling this thing, the weight, size, keyboard, everything is perfect, and that only makes me want it more :(

You're so lucky! At least you got to mess with it for a while. Glad to hear it was as good as many have said. It's a shame VZW's pretty much phoning it in with regards to this segment. I can imagine some head honcho saying "oh we'll just get Motorola to shove out another lackluster slider, those guys [read: customers clamoring for a keyboard] will just grin and bear it, etc."

There's a sliver of hope in that one might be able to activate Merge on VZW, but at this rate Verizon's pretty much forcing me to look at the darn Droid 3 :/ Hopefully they tweak the layout of that keyboard..there's still some issues with it stagger wise in the photo IMO.


Apr 4, 2011
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finally went in to verizon today. i asked to play with the fascinate just cos it has similar dimensions as the dinc2. played with it and the thunderbolt, which actually has near identical WxL dimensions as the dinc2, in landscape. after playing with the virtual qwerty's i asked if there were any other htc phones on the horizon for verizon. he made a face like he was thinking hard and just looked at the thunderbolt for one fat second and said dinc2. told him i already knew about that one and the charge and the casio. walked away feeling like he was holding back though.


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
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Well if it doesn't come to Verizon by the end of May. I am either jumping ship to sprint :'( or buying a unlocked Merge at full price -ouch!.:mad:


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2010
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What makes you think an unlocked Merge can be activated with Verizon? What would make them treat it differently than any other non-Verizon phone that they won't activate? Am I missing something?


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
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There are ways to make phones work on different carriers. Don't know if I can post it, so I won't but you can look it up.

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