Mic still cutting out...anyone else ?


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2011
Still having mic cut out few minutes into call after update. Everything on phone has been perfect except for this. Pretty convinced its hardware related at this point. I'd hate to get a refurbished however at this point I think I'm left with no choice.

Anyone else having this issue still? I'm still on my original since launch and I held on until update in hope it resolves it. I had a razr and rezound that I switched back and forth to when I couldn't take the frequency of the mic issue.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
Still having mic cut out few minutes into call after update. Everything on phone has been perfect except for this. Pretty convinced its hardware related at this point. I'd hate to get a refurbished however at this point I think I'm left with no choice.

Anyone else having this issue still? I'm still on my original since launch and I held on until update in hope it resolves it. I had a razr and rezound that I switched back and forth to when I couldn't take the frequency of the mic issue.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums

I had this take place as well. I figured it was hardware related.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
yup, still have the issue. I have had it happen when being called and the mic is off from the get go. I waited patiently for months for the update that I was told would fix my phone's inability to work as a phone. ICS on Razrmax is in my future for sure.
Gonna bail.
Since I updated I haven't had it happen yet. But the only time it would happen to me is when I called one particular persons iPhone 3gs.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I still have the issue with 4.04. My workaround is to toggle between speaker/non-speaker during the call... that usually temporary fixes it. Fix please!
After the 4.0.4 OTA update, I still had the problem of my mic cutting out. FRUSTRATING!!! My last resort before returning my GNex was to do a factory reset. I now have gone 2 full days (a little less phone call usage since) without a problem. I can't say it won't continue, but so far so good. I'll repost if I have a problem again.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Android Central Forums
Thanks keep me posted. I'm trying to prolong a factory reset but if it can resolve it I will do it.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
Yeah I held off ordering a refurb for a long time but now I'm left with no choice. My only fear is u hear of the people who get replacements and issue fixed or u hear of people who get 4 or more and same issue. So it keeps me wondering if it legit is software related.

I ordered a s3 but now I'm in crunch time on what phones of mine I should sell now. I have nexus rezound and razr and once I get s3 two of them are going just cant decide on what

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
Still happening. On my 3rd phone overall, second refurb, and second SIM card (tech said it would fix it, haha.) Good luck with your refurbs.
Had the issue only once - on my first device - and have yet to have it since. I presume it's a hardware issue, and not a software issue.
I did a factory reset on my device, after the 4.0.4 update, and I still get the mic cutout.

Did you test placing calls before you started loading back on apps? You might have some sort of crappy app that's causing you and other folks this problem. I've never had the problem, luckily
I'm starting to wonder if that volume+ app is the culprit

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
After the 4.0.4 OTA update, I still had the problem of my mic cutting out. FRUSTRATING!!! My last resort before returning my GNex was to do a factory reset. I now have gone 2 full days (a little less phone call usage since) without a problem. I can't say it won't continue, but so far so good. I'll repost if I have a problem again.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Android Central Forums

I promised to repost if I see the Mic-Out issue again. Well... it happened today. Got in the car and went to VZW for a refurb. Will have it tomorrow. Again, I will repost if I see it w/my refurb. I can't live w/this forever.
Did you test placing calls before you started loading back on apps? You might have some sort of crappy app that's causing you and other folks this problem. I've never had the problem, luckily

Yes I have verified that the mic cut out occurs from a phone without any added apps.

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