While it could be true that Motorola no longer being a player in the American market could stifle some competition and/or innovation, could the reverse also possibly be true? Could Motorola being in the American market lower expectations for tech in the U.S.?
It has always concerned me that, since Beijing-based Lenovo took over Motorola, they have gotten away with far more than most other companies could or should get away with. Misleading, gaslighting and outright lying to their customer base appears to be the “strategic plan” at Motorola. Motorola has, more often than not, failed to deliver updates on time or as promised, “changing their mind” about which updates or upgrades a phone will receive after they have made the sale with slick marketing promises. They include a disclaimer for their phones that says updates and upgrades are “subject to change” at their whim. Extremely poor customer support, few available accessories, adding unwanted apps to the phones, and slow to fix known issues and bugs round out what you can expect as a Motorola customer.
It would seem to me that if other phone makers were convinced that they could operate in the same way Motorola has operated since its takeover by Lenovo, and still maintain a good market share and good profits, they might be incentivized to emulate Motorola and take innovation and support down to the lowest common denominator. Thankfully, market share and profit are typically determined by, not just innovating, but by keeping promises and providing decent customer support.
Honestly, as someone who purchased a number of Motorola devices over the years, I would not be too concerned or sad to see them go because I see them as the most well-known, in North America, of all of the Chinese “lowest common denominators” in phone tech and the company that has been taking advantage of the most unwary North American buyers.
Interestingly, I was a member of the online Motorola Community for some time and commented frequently, as I do here on Android Central. I went back to review some of the comments I had made on the Lenovo Motorola Community site. Pages upon pages of complaints, buyer discontent and anger from hundreds of community members who took issue with the way Motorola was doing (or not doing) things and treating previously loyal customers have apparently been removed. I will now add “lack of transparency” to the list of things that make buying a Motorola a questionable decision, in my opinion.