My Iconia Tablet is Dead


Jul 31, 2014
I loved that tablet, but in recent months everything slowed to a crawl and no one on any forum could help me. When I say "slowed to a crawl" I mean it would take 2-7 full minutes of pounding on an icon before it even registered that I had tapped it. I got rid of Facebook (there's no chance of that piece of garbage working ever since they ruined it) but other apps just got worse and worse, with no explanation.

But it's not just the apps or the connection- why would it take so long for ANYTHING to work? Even the app killer would slow to a crawl.

Well, this Forum was no help. Now my tablet is dead- literally in pieces in the trash (I made sure no one could trash pick it and get my private info)

I would like to get a new tablet, so my question is- how long until the planned obsolescence sets in on the next tablet? Will I have one blissful year followed by misery?
I don't think it was "planned obsolescence" - if you're using one of those "memory saver" or "battery saver" app killers, that can be the cause of all your problems. They're doing exactly the opposite of what Android is trying to do, so they can sit and fight for 10 minutes, and - to you - the tablet (or phone, it does the same thing on both) isn't doing anything. Get rid of anything written by Cheeta Mobile and anything else of that sort. (And you're right about Facebook - we may live long enough to see a working version.)

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