- Jun 4, 2016
- 4,005
- 1,155
- 113
I met the Z Flip 3 not too long after it was introduced to the public... it was lust at first sight
I've never been one to jump on new tech too quickly (I'm frugal
), but the combination of the size and Samsung's perceived quality, plus the fact it was the 3rd generation, convinced me to take a chance. The first date was rough (which I posted about here), but after working through the issues and eventually getting it set up, it was a real treat to use.... smooth, fast, and filled exactly the role I bought it for
But then it's personality traits started showing through. It turns out that this particular mistress likes to keep me guessing on when she's going to work or not
, like after most updates or sometimes for no reason at all
I think I'm on my 5th or 6th factory reset counting the one last night. The software problems have been many and diverse... I've never owned one device that has had more oddball problems. And I actually don't use it that much because I'm trying to extend the life of the screen.
Yesterday, after about a week of sitting in a drawer, fully charged and turned off, I took it out planning on using it for the day. I had put it away working fine, but when I tried to turn it on I got nothing... it was a brick
I figured oh well, I guess the relationship is over... heartbreak city
I thought why not plug it in, maybe another one of the software gremlins drained the battery while it was off. I plugged it in with the same charger I've been using on it from the beginning... nothing. I tried a second charger on it... nothing. I was preparing for the pending divorce, when I thought why not try one more charger, the way this phone has behaved I had a gut instinct it might work. And it did 
The battery was stone dead
So I charged it up, turned it on and got nothing but error messages as it struggled to fulfill it's role as a phone. After multiple restarts it became obvious it was time for another factory reset
The first time I set it up I customized it extensively, even using Good Lock, but each time after the factory resets I did less and less. It's factory reset again now and at the welcome screen, but there's a good chance that's where the relationships going to end this time, and it'll be placed back in it's box and put in the closet with the rest of the retired phones.
From what I've read and heard from some other Samsung users this doesn't seem to be an isolated incident with my phone, but a software design and support issue on Samsung's end.
I truly believe Sammy has made their version of Android so over bloated and crowded, with so many redundant apps, that they can't maintain it properly... let alone release solid bug free updates.
This experience has shown me that I'm definitely a Pixel person
The Z Flip 3 was a neat fling... I loved the form factor, and the hardware felt top notch, like you had a little swiss watch of a phone in your hand. But that software experience...... OMG

But then it's personality traits started showing through. It turns out that this particular mistress likes to keep me guessing on when she's going to work or not

Yesterday, after about a week of sitting in a drawer, fully charged and turned off, I took it out planning on using it for the day. I had put it away working fine, but when I tried to turn it on I got nothing... it was a brick

The battery was stone dead

The first time I set it up I customized it extensively, even using Good Lock, but each time after the factory resets I did less and less. It's factory reset again now and at the welcome screen, but there's a good chance that's where the relationships going to end this time, and it'll be placed back in it's box and put in the closet with the rest of the retired phones.
From what I've read and heard from some other Samsung users this doesn't seem to be an isolated incident with my phone, but a software design and support issue on Samsung's end.
I truly believe Sammy has made their version of Android so over bloated and crowded, with so many redundant apps, that they can't maintain it properly... let alone release solid bug free updates.
This experience has shown me that I'm definitely a Pixel person

The Z Flip 3 was a neat fling... I loved the form factor, and the hardware felt top notch, like you had a little swiss watch of a phone in your hand. But that software experience...... OMG