Hi all -
Just signed up to comment as I'm having exactly the same issue.
Nexus 6P, Android Nougat.
Essentially what OP is trying to describe is a complete bootloader/google logo loop. You cannot do much else. You CAN go into bootloader/fastboot, but any of the options from that screen (recovery mode, factory) just return to the endless boot loop.
From what I've seen so far, fastboot is still accessible from the bootloader screen and it is possible to flash. However, after a complete factory image flash and multiple cache resets, I've not been able to proceed past the google logo loop.
I attempted to fastboot boot into the latest TWRP recovery (remotely) to see if I could adb any of the information off of the device, but this also boot loops.
Google support seem aware of this issue as they raised an order for a brand new Nexus 6P to be dispatched to me FOC. So I have approximately 14 days to send back the faulty device, which I will spend attempting to pull information off of the device.
If you were rooted, you may want to try the Easus data recovery tool. Stupidly, I hadn't re-rooted after the 7 ug, so I cannot use this to verify if it is effective -
Free Android Data Recovery Software - EaseUS MobiSaver Free for Android.
Unofficial advice from Google support: You could also try tapping / knocking the power button. I have no clue why this would impact anything.
Anecdotal advice found on the internet: Allow device to fully discharge. Connect charger, power on and it may get past the loop after 4 or so attempts.
I'm currently attempting a 6.0.1 flash attempt as this has been show to rectify the issue in some instances, so I'll post updates as and when. In the meantime, I'd strongly advise anyone with this issue to get onto Google Support and get their replacement device shipped out, as support are aware of this issue and very accommodating.