My Note 8 a star among a sea of iPhones


Retired Moderator
Mar 22, 2011
This is not an iPhone bashing post, just a cute story.

So, I was taking a ton of wedding pictures and videos on Saturday and I am truly surrounded by iPhones. My entire family, with the exception of my mom and sister use iphones, including all my cousins.

I cannot tell you how many people at this wedding asked me about my phone, wanted to look at the display and even wanted to hold it ... which I had to be very careful because there was drinking going on.

It was kind of nice to see my phone get such a positive reaction. :cool:
My family is the same way with the exception of my wife and kid. My boss is a huge iPhone fan, but with my s8+ and note 8 I can see him becoming more and more jealous of the features and looks.
You know what? I just used ios11 on my friends iPhone 7. Man there are a lot of jerkiness in each app when scrolling like linkedin. Just overall I was expecting it to be perfectly smooth but my note 8 is much more smoother. I'm honestly being honest. I would get iPhone if they were better phones but alas, it lags so I'm confused why people say android lags and Apple doesn't.
You know what? I just used ios11 on my friends iPhone 7. Man there are a lot of jerkiness in each app when scrolling like linkedin. Just overall I was expecting it to be perfectly smooth but my note 8 is much more smoother. I'm honestly being honest. I would get iPhone if they were better phones but alas, it lags so I'm confused why people say android lags and Apple doesn't.

I haven't got to toy with it really. My co-worker did ask for my hotspot to download it though.
A story kind of similar to this is why I ordered a Note 8 myself.

My family gathered for a birthday party, and my uncle was literally the only person there who didn't have an iPhone. This was after the Apple announcement, and being a loyal Apple fan (I've had every iPhone since the 4) I was just going to order the X next month. My uncle pulled out his Note 8 and I was curious, so I started asking questions and eventually took his phone away from him to play with it for hours, before I knew it I was using my upgrade for a Note 8 instead of the X. My phone will be here tomorrow and I can't wait!
A story kind of similar to this is why I ordered a Note 8 myself.

My family gathered for a birthday party, and my uncle was literally the only person there who didn't have an iPhone. This was after the Apple announcement, and being a loyal Apple fan (I've had every iPhone since the 4) I was just going to order the X next month. My uncle pulled out his Note 8 and I was curious, so I started asking questions and eventually took his phone away from him to play with it for hours, before I knew it I was using my upgrade for a Note 8 instead of the X. My phone will be here tomorrow and I can't wait!
Congrats. Enjoy it. I have bought every latest iPhone a long with most every latest android flagship for years. This will be the first time I skip the iPhone. The note 8 is that good IMO. It works for me at least.
I had a very hard time walking away from my iPhone 6s plus for this awesome Note 8 but I'm glad I did. My entire family has iPhones so I was nervous switching but there's no way I'm giving up this phone to go back to iPhone. I can do so much more with this. Never say never but I can't see myself going back to iPhone anytime soon!!

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