My own themes and their setups


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Feb 4, 2011
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I'm not the type to download premade themes, I like creating my own unique look. I usually use custom icons I find on XDA or Deviant Art, widget-makers like UCCW and my recently-discovered Zooper Widgets, custom fonts I download from various font sites, and of course wallpapers. I've been creating my own themes using those premade resources and uploading the setups of the whole theme on my blog. So these are some of my own theme setups, which you can recreate or use them for inspiration and make something similar. These themes were created on my Nexus 7 and Galaxy Nexus, though they can be recreated on any similar devices. If anybody spots some customizations with no credit to their authors on my blog, please let me know who created them and where the originals are, so I can give them proper credit and backlink to their sites or Google Play pages (I sometimes forget where I downloaded the custom items from).

Anyway, here they are:
If you want to see other themes, check my blog page: Droid Creations
I'll update this thread with more themes and their setups as I make them.

Pixelated Night
Nexus 7


  • Nova Launcher Prime
  • Nova settings: desktop grid = 9 rows X 7 columns; width & height margin = none; persistent search bar off; 3 home screens; wallpaper scrolling on; resize all widgets on; widget overlap on, overlap when placing on; dock disabled; gesture swipe up to access apps drawer.
  • Icons used: Pfaffinator's Hollywood blue, yellow, green, white (separate icon packs). Check out Pfaffinator's other icon packs HERE
  • Widgets used: 4 UCCW widgets for icon placement; 1 Zooper Widget Pro for weather. Note: you can use UCCW or Minimalistic Text widgets for weather but you have to find your own fonts.

UCCW Widget layouts:

Top-left widget:
  • Size = 4 X 3
  • 2 variables: Image 1 & Image 2
  • Images are Hollywood icons
  • Image 1 (Facebook) scale = 100
  • Image 2 (Web) scale = 40
  • Hot spot 1 size = 175 X 51
  • Hot spot 2 size = 80 X 50
  • Place both icons & hot spots manually

Top-right widget:
  • Size = 4 X 3 (overlap the first widget)
Front page overlaps

  • 3 variables: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3
  • Images are Hollywood icons
  • Image 1 (Google+) scale = 80
  • Image 2 (Gmail) scale = 40
  • Image 3 (Watch) scale = 70
  • Hot spot 1 size = 150 X 70
  • Hot spot 2 size = 80 X 40
  • Hot spot 3 size = 114 X 55
  • Place all icons & hot spots manually

Top-left widget (right homescreen page)
  • Size = 4 X 3
  • 3 variables: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3
  • Images are Hollywood icons
  • Image 1 (Gallery) scale = 85
  • Image 2 (Text) scale = 32
  • Image 3 (Local) scale = 58
  • Hot spot 1 size = 150 X 70
  • Hot spot 2 size = 80 X 40
  • Hot spot 3 size = 114 X 55
  • Place all icons & hot spots manually

Top-right widget (right homescreen page)
  • Size = 4 X 3
  • 1 variables: Image 1
  • One Hollywood icon
  • Image 1 (Play) scale = 100
  • Hot spot 1 size = 185 X 90
  • Place the icon & hot spot manually

Zooper widget layout:
Note: you can recreate this using UCCW or Minimalistic Text widgets, but you have to find your own font
  • Size = 7 X 1 (6 X 1 original, stretched by 1 tile)
  • Layout = text
  • Text content = weather - conditions & temperature
  • Size = 45
  • Text font family = Pixelmix (comes with the widget)
  • Text alignment = center


Artsy Fartsy
(yes, that's what I called it, deal with it!)
Nexus 7


  • Apex Launcher
  • 10 rows by 9 columns desktop grid (in Apex settings)
  • Label icons unchecked (in Apex settings)
  • Disable dock (in Apex settings)
  • Buuf Guuf icons(use Apex's edit function to change icons)
  • Widgets - 1 UCCW widget

Widget setup:

  • Widget size = 5 X 2
  • Variables used: Static text 1 (city name), Current temperature, Current condition, Icon - Current condition
  • Background: set Alpha to 0
  • Typeface / font used: Gingersnaps
  • Static text 1 size = 240; color = 00b2ff; shadow color = fff700, dx & dy = 2, Radius = 1
  • Current temperature size = 280; color = fff700, Suffix = 'degree symbol' (should be somewhere on your keyboard, check symbols page, or alternate page); Shadow color = 00b2ff, dx & dy = 2, Radius = 2; Alignment = Center
  • Current condition size = 150; color = ff3232; Alignment = right; Shadow color = fff700, dx & dy = 2, Radius = 1
  • Weather icon = Tick; scale = 120


Google Now (NY edition)
Galaxy Nexus

Inspired by the Google Now theme featured on Life Hacker, I decided to make my own.


  • Apex Launcher
  • 6 rows X 4 columns desktop grid
  • Dock horizontal and vertical margins both set to large.
  • Dock divider hidden.
  • Google JFK Icons, and 3 icons I made my self (the previous icon pack did not have icons for phone, file manager and navigation, so I made them myself using Inkscape)
  • Download the icons I've made HERE
  • Widget - UCCW

Widget setup:

  • Size = 4 X 3
  • Items / variables used: Static text 1; Current Temperature; Current Condition; Current Humidity; Wind Condition; Icon - Current conditions.
  • Color of all text = 6f6f6f
  • Typeface (font) of all text = Roboto Light (Google it)
  • Static text 1 (city name) size = 40
  • Current temperature size = 160; Alignment = right
  • Current condition size = 40; Alignment = left
  • Current humidity size = 30; Alignment = left; Prefix = Humidity: ; Suffix = %
  • Wind condition size = 30; Alignment = left; Prefix = Wind: ; Suffix = mph
  • Download weather icons; scale = 50
  • Line everything up manually

NOTE: I've made the wallpaper myself, however, the picture at the top came from Free Vector Skylines Vector Pack which can be found HERE

Question, is there any way to make those pictures clickable? It's the first time I posted large wallpaper pics on this forum. Those wallpapers are taking up too much space.

Enjoy! I'd really appreciate any feedback on the themes! :)
Last edited:


Active member
Aug 27, 2011
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Wow, I really like the themes you have created. I am wanting to setup the Pixelated Night theme but have one question. I use GoLauncher, am I able to get the theme to work on that or does it have to be nova launcher for it to work right? Please answer back when you can and thanks for sharing your themes:)


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2011
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Wow, I really like the themes you have created. I am wanting to setup the Pixelated Night theme but have one question. I use GoLauncher, am I able to get the theme to work on that or does it have to be nova launcher for it to work right? Please answer back when you can and thanks for sharing your themes:)

I would say yes. It should work as long as the launcher allows you to hide the dock.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2011
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New theme!

Dark Elegance
Created on a Galaxy Nexus



Nova Launcher Prime
Nova settings: desktop grid = 6 X 5; width & height margin = none; persistent search bar off; show shadow enabled; label icons disabled; resize all widgets; overlap widgets enabled; overlap when placing; dock disabled
Icons used: Minimal Apex Theme
Icons placed with Desktop Visualizer
Widgets used: 2 Zooper Widget Pro
Font used in both widgets = A Dark Wedding

Desktop visualizer widget setup:
Note: have to use Desktop Visualizer, without it the icons will look out of center.
  • Widget size = 1 X 1
  • Icon: "Select icon" - "other" - "Minimal Apex Theme" - choose your icon. If you get a message saying the app is not installed, ignore it, you can pick whatever app you want for the icon.
  • App: click "select action" - "launch application" - pick the app you want
  • Click "Clear" under Label
  • Touch Effect = Light Blue

Widget setup:
Main screen:
  • Widget size = 5 X 2
  • Layout: Rectangle (the divider); 2 text variables
  • Rectangle size: width = 410, height = 2, set color manually
  • Text 1 (time): screen anchor = center; Y offset = -25; text content = AM/PM short clock; Text conversion mode = Numbers to text; size = 35; Text font family = A Dark Wedding; Text alignment = center; set color manually
  • Text 2 (date): Screen anchor = center; Y offset = 17; Text content = full date; size = 35; Text font family = A Dark Family; Text alignment = center; set color manually

Widget setup:
Right screen:
  • Widget size = 5 X 2
  • Layout: Rectangle (the divider); 2 text variables
  • Rectangle size: width = 410, height = 2, set color manually
  • Text 1 (location): screen anchor = center; Y offset = -25; text content = pick anything; Edit text manually = delete whatever's on there and type in your location; size = 35; Text font family = A Dark Wedding; Text alignment = center; set color manually
  • Text 2 (weather): Screen anchor = center; Y offset = 17; Text content = Conditions and temperature; size = 35; Text font family = A Dark Family; Text alignment = center; set color manually

Wallpaper: part of the ADW.Elegant Theme


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2011
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Wow, I kind of abandoned this thread...

Anyway, here's a few themes I've created in the last few weeks.

Created on the Nexus 7


  • Nova Launcher
  • Nova settings: 12 rows X 10 columns desktop grid; height and width margin set to ?none?; persistent search bar off; shadows off; dock is off, Swipe Up gesture for apps drawer access.
  • Widgets used: eWeather HD, Desktop Visualizer (for icon placement)
  • Icons used: SeriouslyCrazy?s SC Black Pin icons

eWeather HD Widget setup:
  • Size:6 rows X 8 columns
  • Hour by Hour Weather Clock
  • Icons: Symbols
  • View: Temperature
  • Text color: black/white
  • Checkmarks: Image as background; Show time; Highlight the current hour; Show time digits; Show date; Description; Small icons.
  • Text size: 14
  • Background & Border: Black
  • Hour & Minute hands: Blue (ICS)
  • To change units to Celsius, click on the widget after adding it, then menu, settings/options (tools icon), units option should be at the top.
  • NOTE: notification bar temperature and conditions are on by default. If you don?t want them, click on the widget after adding it. Then hit menu, go to settings/options (tools icon), Status bar notification, and uncheck all boxes.

Icons / Desktop Visualizer setup:
  • Icon/widget size: 2 X 2
  • No label
  • Touch effect: none

Download Wallpaper

Created on the Galaxy Nexus


*NOTE: if you want to recreate this theme as it is here on a different phone, you might have to play around with the sizes of some variables in UCCW

  • Nova Launcher
  • Nova settings: desktop grid = 5 rows X 5 columns; width & height margin off; Persistent search bar is off; Show Shadow off; Wallpaper scrolling is off; Dock is off; Gesture swipe up to access apps drawer.
  • Icons: Arindam Saha?s Chocolate-Y icons
  • Widgets: 4 UCCW widgets
  • Weather icons: Metro White (put the icons folder in your UltimateCustomClockWidget folder on your phone)
  • Font: Eight One
  • My own analog clock & battery plate, created in Inkscape: download (Dropbox) (there are 4 colors of each, I used light grey)

Top widget setup (clock, date, battery):
  • Size = 5 X 1
  • Original Background size: Width = 720, Height = 215
  • Variables / Items: Day of the month, Day of the week, Month, Analog Clock, Battery Level, Battery circle, Shape 1, Image 1 & 2.
  • Sort: Shape 1 goes on the bottom, followed by the date, clock, Image 1, Battery circle, Image 2, Battery Level
  • Shape 1 (the brown background) size: Width = 710, Height = 190; Roundness = 95; color = 6f3838 (should be one of UCCW?s stock colors)
  • *Position everything manually
  • Clock: Image 1 (clock face) scale = 65; Analog clock (needles) scale = 50
  • Date variables: for all 3 date variables, size = 70; color = d5d5d5 (should be one of UCCW?s stock colors); Font = Eight One; Alignment = center; Month?s format = Full
  • Battery circle size = 162; colors set manually
  • Image 2 (battery circle cover) scale = 65
  • Battery Level size = 70; color = black; font = Eight One
  • Hotspots: #1 = clock app; width & height = 170. #2 = Calendar app; width = 320; height = 170

Weather widget:
  • Size = 5 X 2
  • Original background size: Width = 556; Height = 287
  • Variables: Static text 1; Current Temperature; Current Condition; Icon - Current conditions; Shape 1 & 2.
  • Shape 1 (brown background): color = 6f3838; Width = 547; Heigth = 286; Roundness = 95
  • Shape 2 (dark brown background of city name): color = 351717; Width = 341; Height = 94; Roundness = 26
  • Static Text 1 (city name): size = 80; color = d5d5d5; Font = Eight One
  • Current Condition: size = 50; color = d5d5d5; Font = Eight One; Alignment = center
  • Icon - Current conditions: icons used = Metro White; Scale = 100
  • Current temperature: size = 150; color = d5d5d5; Font = Eight One; Alignment = left
  • *Position everything manually

2 Bottom widgets setup:
  • Size of each = 5 X 1
  • Download the whole setup here: Uzip
  • Original white background size: Width = 720; Height = 210
  • Variables: Shape 1; Image 1, 2, 3.
  • Shape 1 (brown background): color = 6f3838; Width = 710; Height = 190; Roundness = 95
  • Images 1, 2, 3 (icons) scale = 140
  • Hotspots 1, 2, 3 size = 170 X 170
  • *Position everything manually

Coco N7L
Created on the Nexus 7


  • Apex Launcher Pro
  • Apex settings: 8 rows x 10 columns landscape grid; width & height margin = none: wallpaper mode = non-scrolling; indicator disabled; use tablet UI mode disabled; persistent search bar is disabled; hide shadows; hide icon labels; dock disabled.
  • Icons used: Arindam Saha?s Chocolate-Y icons
  • Font: Eight One
  • Widgets used: 8 Desktop Visualizer widgets for icon placement; 4 UCCW widgets for clock, date, and weather.
  • Download Wallpaper (NOTE: I made the wallpaper myself using Inkscape. I had trouble applying the full wallpaper. The default wallpaper selection forces you to crop the wallpaper without allowing you to use the full thing even though its resolution is the same as the screen. Use Wallpaper Wizardrii if you have trouble. And if you still have trouble, reboot the device and try again with Wallpaper Wizardrii)

Desktop Visualizer setup:
  • Size = 2 x 2
  • No labels
  • No highlight color

Clock widget setup:
  • Size = 4 rows x 3 columns (overlap the date widget)
  • Variables / objects: Analog Clock
  • Position: X = 40, Y = 73
  • My own clock needles, use light grey needles
  • Scale = 90

Date widget setup:
  • Size: 4 x 4 (overlaps the clock widget)
  • Background width = 480, height = 320
  • Variable / objects: Day of the month, Day of the week, Month.
  • Font of all variables: Eight One
  • Alpha of all variables = 255
  • Color of all variables = d5d5d5
  • Alignment of all variables = center
  • Day of the week: position: X = 255, Y = 72; size = 100
  • Month: position: X = 255, Y = 175; size = 90; format = full
  • Day of the month: position: X = 255, Y = 280; size = 120

Temperature & weather icon setup:
  • Size: 3 rows x 4 columns (overlaps Weather conditions widget)
  • Background size: width = 424, height = 377
  • Variables / objects: Icon - weather conditions, Current temperature
  • Weather icon: Position: X = 56, Y = 34; Metro White icons; scale = 180; alpha = 200
  • Current temperature: Position: X = 179, Y = 335; size = 180; color = d5d5d5; Font = Eight One; alignment = center; suffix = ?C

Weather conditions widget setup:
  • Size 4 x 4 (overlaps Weather icon & temperature widget)
  • Background width = Width = 500; Height = 300
  • Variables / objects: Current conditions, Humidity, Wind, Shape 1, Static text
  • Color of all text variables = d5d5d5
  • Alignment of all text variables = center
  • Font of all text variables: Eight One
  • Shape 1 (city name background): Position: X = 42, Y = 0; color = 351717; Width = 416; Height = 100; Roundness = 20
  • Static text (city name): Position: X = 58, Y = 71; size = 100; Text = city name
  • Current conditions: Position: X = 250, Y = 155; size = 70
  • Humidity: Position: X = 57, Y = 222; size = 60; prefix = humidity: ; suffix = %
  • Wind: Position: X = 250, Y = 294; size = 60; prefix = wind: ; suffix = km/hr

Created on the Nexus 7


  • Nova Launcher
  • Nova settings: 7 rows x 11 columns desktop grid; permanent search bar disabled; label icons disabled; show shadow disabled; wallpaper scrolling off; dock disabled; icon size = 130%
  • Icons: SeriouslyCrazy?s SC 24 Black 2 (direct download)
  • Font: GradoGradooNF
  • Widgets: 2 Zooper Widget

Widget setups:

Top widget:
  • Size of the widget: 3 rows x 7 columns
  • Layout: text
  • Y offset = -50
  • Text content: weather - Conditions and temperature
  • Size = 55
  • Color = #ff57a427
  • Curve = 55

Bottom widget:
  • Size of the widget: 2 rows x 7 columns
  • Layout: text
  • Y offset = 40
  • Edit text manually: type in: #DEEEE#, #DMMMM# #Dd#
  • Size = 45
  • Color = simple black
  • Curve = -50

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