My Video Review of the Atrix HD with size comparisons


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
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Very nice, professional job on the review. Good camera work too. It's also nice you point out the weak points as well as the strong ones.

I actually had ordered one from Amazon, but they badly flubbed the order TWICE, which lead to them removing the phone for a couple of days from their site, until they could get the logistical issues worked out. I came out of it in great shape since they gave me TWO nice credits on my account :)

As you may know, tomorrow ATT drops the price on the One X to the same as the AHD making the choice more challenging. A battery life of 6 or 7 hours just isn't a good selling point, though some on the XDA site for this phone have used both the Smart Actions and Juice Defender and done far better than what you state here. Regardless, the battery is clearly a big sticking point as is the camera. I think the sticking points on the One X are less than acceptable manufacturing, lack of microSD and a heavy skin over stock Android, especially multi-tasking. The GS3 however, is a strong contender, though the blue tint on the screen and somewhat flimsy construction aren't that compelling. Needless to say, its selling like hot cakes and is a very nice, well executed device.

I think another selling point for the Atrix HD is that Motorola has been manufacturing cell phones for decades so the call and radio qualities are not going to be beat by anyone, Apple included. I also think the build quality of the phone is good, though some have complained of loose or flimsy power and volume switches. Regardless its well built it seems.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
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Thanks for the opinion! The build quality is pretty solid. I have been enjoying it so far. My unit is going back though since it has a broken notification light and has about 7 dead pixels. I am sure it is just a bad one. I cannot get the notification light to work at all after it was working when it came out of the box.

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