Name Five


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2012
This is an easy and quick game. It's a board game that might be based on a British game show. Whatever it is, it is now playing here at Android Central. The premise, name five of whatever the category is. One person picks the category (the person that posts number five of the previous category) and each person after posts one numbered answer - so #1..., #2..., #3.... If there are double number posts just keep going until there is a #5. Since it's a fairly easy game, try to be more specific than "Name 5 80's bands". A better category would be "Name 5 80's bands with at least 3 words in their name".

Since it's the holidays, let's start with a holiday category.

Name Five of Santa's Reindeer

First person's response would be #1. Name of a Reindeer

and then the next person would be #2. Name of a Reindeer ... until we get five.

Then person with #5 starts a new topic.
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27 views and no one has answered! LOL He has *nine* reindeer, and one is the "most famous reindeer of all"! You only have to name one - five total. I'm beginning to think that Santa's reindeer are an American thing...:p
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Just one. Your response would be

#1. Name of a Reindeer

and then the next person would be #2. Name of a Reindeer ... until we get five.

Then person with #5 starts a new topic.

(updated the first post with this to add clarity).
#1 Blitzen

I'm sure it was clear to everyone else. I'm just
I don't know. No one else answered.

#2 Dasher

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#5 - The Cure

Name five Android weather apps

Posted via Android Central App
The worst thing you could have picked lol
#1 AccuWeather

Posted via Android Central App
#5 Radar now

Top sport or muscle cars.
#1 Dodge Challenger (love my black one)

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