Need Help!!!! missing soft keys and status bar!


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Dec 27, 2011
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Hello, today I was trying to change the soft keys on the galaxy nexus using an explorer, i ended up putting the .png images on the SystemUi/res/drawable-xhdpi folder and the phone rebooted and came up with no status bar and no soft keys. Had a nandroid backup but deleted all user data without thinking about restoring because i thought the backup would stay... like on my rooted incredible. Any help on how to get soft keys and status bar back? thanks


AC Moderator All-Star
Nov 25, 2010
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In this case, probably have to reflash the ROM your running assuming your rooted because you had access to /system/ folders. Otherwise a factory reset, but I don't know if that is going to replace the messed up png placements.. You may have to flash the factory OS images if they are available GN if you don't want to flash a ROM.

Reason I say this is normally when you bork the system with status bar problems due to framework or SystemUI errors its normally not easy to recover from without reflashing the ROM or doing a complete factory OS restore if your just rooted without ROM.

FYI, in the future I would also edit pngs and such with the framework or system pulled from the device and then flash or push it back instead. Then you can at the same time have a Nandroid backup or use the stock/unmodified framework or systemui to recover with.
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Dec 27, 2011
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In this case, probably have to reflash the ROM your running assuming your rooted because you had access to /system/ folders. Otherwise a factory reset, but I don't know if that is going to replace the messed up png placements.. You may have to flash the factory OS images if they are available GN if you don't want to flash a ROM.

Reason I say this is normally when you bork the system with status bar problems due to framework or SystemUI errors its normally not easy to recover from without reflashing the ROM or doing a complete factory OS restore if your just rooted without ROM.

FYI, in the future I would also edit pngs and such with the framework or system pulled from the device and then flash or push it back instead. Then you can at the same time have a Nandroid backup or use the stock/unmodified framework or systemui to recover with.

ya i was just using stock rom but rooted. i just tried to fix it by doing this as posted here Status bar and softkeys missing help!!!!! - xda-developers
but now after formatting system , the google image is stuck on and doesnt go to the splashing image when starting up. so how should i reflash? also, i have clockwork recovery but it wont connect to the computer without turning on i think


AC Moderator All-Star
Nov 25, 2010
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ya i was just using stock rom but rooted. i just tried to fix it by doing this as posted here Status bar and softkeys missing help!!!!! - xda-developers
but now after formatting system , the google image is stuck on and doesnt go to the splashing image when starting up. so how should i reflash? also, i have clockwork recovery but it wont connect to the computer without turning on i think
Not to sure of the exact workings of the GN but you should be able to hit CWM recovery which is normally accessed before you get to the Google splash screen...

From there you can Mount USB storage and should be able to connect to your computer to transfer over a ROM to flash... Then you can wipe and flash the ROM and should be able to dig yourself out of this...

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