Need Some Help


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2011
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hi there everyone,need a little help with a xyboard 8.2.i did the dan rosenberg root method and delted a couple of things that i never used.i got the one item back in,but now i can't do the update that verizon pushed to the tablet because of a evernote(one item i deleted) problem.i have re-installed it and it will update on its own,but i can still un-install it since it doesn't see it as a pre-installed app.had i know this would be a problem,i would have never rooted the tablet and just left it work's out perfectly for me while traveling and when i was using it at work to multi-task on the tablet and laptop using the hotspot feature.i'd like to get the update installed so i can have the option to close out the app instead of it still running in the background,along with getting all of the new features of the ics update.

now here's the part that will cause some problems,i don't know much about androis os,so if anyone can help me,please treat me like an idiot so i can understand what i have to do to get things back to the way they were so i can do the update,or it there is another way to somehow push the update through in another way.once i get everything working again,i will leave the device un-rooted so as i don't have this problem again in the future if anymore updates are pushed to the device.thanks in advance for any help you guys can give.

here is the error message i get after the update has failed to install doing it ota:

ge 1/1
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/caller
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
Installing update...
Verifying current system...
assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/Evernot.apk", "dcd9ebb9d41841b9b40ca5b40ca5b4273686739
f7098b9", :1260647bf9ccf728188048445cca6f48c12a5589")
E:Error in /cache/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted

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