New Android Developer


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Mar 15, 2011
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I'm taking this opportunity to shamelessly promote the fact that I finally got my rear end moving sufficiently to write an android game :p

I've been messing around with programming since the 80's and COMPUTE Magazine for C64; and I wrote two of the games for the GBA title "Ultimate Arcade Games" with the crew at Nocturnal Entertainment.

I had a head start on this android title because I developed it for WebOS first in javascript - which, btw is waaay more friendly to beginning programmers than JAVA is :D But, WebOS is tanking fast and it seemed it was time to move on.

If you are getting into programming for android, especially games, I can recommend one quite excellent book I relied upon: Beginning Android Games by Mario Zechner at Apress.

If you wouldn't mind giving me feedback, check out (free) PacRatLite on the Android Market. Thanks!


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Sep 18, 2011
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I'll have to check out your game,

Maybe you can give me some advice? I'm a rookie and tried to root my samsung charge with gingerbreak I think. The software says rooted but root checker said no, I still have to boot in recovery mode then flash and mount my sd card.

Gingerbreak file had su and adb but said i needed Java so I downloaded it as well. I guess I have to push these from my laptop but I cant seem to open adb to get a window? That's if Im doing that correctly. I can pull my phone device up as a drive and drag things over there but not sure if that would help. At this point I need to finish the root or unroot so my phone will stream music and my camera will work. So far I have not bricked my phone. So far so good right?

Thanks for any input


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Mar 15, 2011
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oh my, I was not expecting any replies and I have been soo slow to respond. No doubt you have already solved this problem. But if not, go to and download the sdk and get eclipse, and then install the tools all per the directions there. this will give you access to adb and then there are further directions for getting into that. hope you are up and running!

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